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  1. augiebd

    Which Tobacco Leaves Your Favorite Mustache Note?

    Some take pride in a meer stache, others find it concerning.
  2. augiebd

    Which Tobacco Leaves Your Favorite Mustache Note?

    My wife noticed that Tewksbury Hobbit Weed Match had a noticeable, pleasant moustache note.
  3. augiebd

    MKELAW's Online Store is Closed…

    Like many others, I have bought several pipes from Dave’s site and was always very happy with the dealings. I have also bought pipes from MBSD and had similar positive experiences.
  4. augiebd

    What Tobacco did your Ancestors Smoke?

    With a fractured family tree, many times over, I am blessed with many grandparents, some I knew. One grandfather smoked homegrown leaf in his pipe, another Player’s plain, unfiltered cigarettes and roll your owns. The others, no idea on their tobacco use. I had a great-uncle who smoked a...
  5. augiebd

    Instant Oxidation?

    I bought a new Comoy pot that had been displayed in the shop window. As soon as I put it in my mouth it instantly oxidized. I wasn’t too happy but I had bought it on vacation so was stuck with it.
  6. augiebd

    Canadian Import Advice Help - Tax was 200%!

    Interesting spreadsheet but I believe the statement that Alberta’s provincial tax on pipe tobacco is zero is incorrect. Easy enough to correct.
  7. augiebd

    Lester Young Repeats as USA Slow Smoking Champion!

    Wow, back to back! A dynasty, congratulations!
  8. augiebd

    Flake Tabac Question

    I have had success with fold and stuff but it varies from flake to flake and which pipe I am putting them in. So I will usually use a small food processor and then dry a little as @Sobrbiker suggests. Seem to get good flavour and can control heat with tamping and cadence.
  9. augiebd

    RIP Louis Gossett Jr.

    Very talented, very sad to hear this news. A lot of great roles!
  10. augiebd

    The Kindness of a Fellow Pipe Smoker

    Enjoy this kindness in good health!
  11. augiebd

    I Have An Interview

    Congratulations on making the short list, all the best with the interview!
  12. augiebd

    My Wife And I Did It Again

    Wishing you all the best as your family grows by the right increment!
  13. augiebd

    Returning to Canada with Tobacco: Receipts Required?

    It’s not just duty when you get a shipment - you also have to pay all the taxes, that’s what gets you.
  14. augiebd

    Tobacco storage

    I live in a very dry area and my tobacco is kept in the dark and it can fluctuate from 68 to 86 degrees in the house over the seasons and I don’t think I’ve seen this haze. I’ll have to watch closer in the summer.
  15. augiebd

    First Smoke on the New Porch!

    Awesome plans, wishing you and your family blessings and many happy years in your new home!