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  1. Eastmon

    Zippo Fluid

    The liquid is the same as far as I can see. Check your cotton?
  2. Eastmon

    Up with What are You Lighting ?

    Used to be fancy. Now it’s a bic lol
  3. Eastmon

    Greetings from East Tennessee

    Nice stash!
  4. Eastmon

    Which Beverage with which Tobacco?

    I love an Islay whiskey with a pipe. I find it goes with most.
  5. Eastmon

    I Don't Smoke in Warm Weather. You?

    I tend to prefer warm weather. I can sit out back, take my time. In winter I want that quick hit, which leads me to the ciggies, which I feel dull the taste.
  6. Eastmon

    Do I Need a Little Break?

    Def give it a break. It helps me for sure.
  7. Eastmon

    Which Luxury Lighter?

    I love the Old Boys, but just can’t pay that much. Zippo is my weapon of choice
  8. Eastmon

    How Many Bowls do You Smoke a Day?

    A couple times a week, mainly in summer as it’s nice to sit outside and take my time. I do hit those damn cigs tho.
  9. Eastmon

    How Long to Rest a Pipe?

    I don’t know if it makes a difference, but I have about 6 pipes and just rotate them.
  10. Eastmon

    Snus recommendations

    Good info, cheers. I’d love to hear from any Canadian fellows who know of a 4Noggins type of online retailer. I’ve had GREAT service from those guys for all my pipe tobacco needs.
  11. Eastmon

    Snus recommendations

    I’m a keen piper, but I have taken up a dirty old habit of smoking cigarettes during the day while at work to get my nic hit. I really want to stop that. Couple of guys at work use snus, or pouches and I could see myself giving that a try. Any recommendations of a good quality pouch? I’m in...
  12. Eastmon

    Vancouver Shops

    There’s some downtown, but it’s an anti smoke city, so I don’t know if it’s worth breaking the itinerary for
  13. Eastmon

    Pipe And Cigarettes.

    I gave up the darts, started smoking pipes and cigars, then I took back up the darts for the quick hit at work. You all find it blunts the pipe Tabacco taste?
  14. Eastmon

    Do You Introduce Yourself to Other Pipe Smokers?

    I think I’d likely stop and have a chat if I got the right vibe, but I’m saying that, I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone smoke a pipe publicly around here.
  15. Eastmon

    RYO Tobacco in Sealed Tins?

    Nice, that’s encouraging. I’ve got a good supply of Drum tobacco that I get in the large sealed tins. Seems like you guys are saying you haven’t heard of any long term storage problems. Appreciate the replies!