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  1. growfood

    Is it Me, or Is it the Tobacco?

    I'd be curious how much of this change in flavor has as much to do with soil and farming practices and varieties of tobacco as it does curing techniques. Imagine the days when a farm wasn't just a large swatch of tobacco, but had a vegetable patch and cows and chickens. Adding these composts and...
  2. growfood

    Good Coffee & Good Inexpensive Machines?

    Machine? Get yourself a french press my friend.
  3. growfood

    Great Photos Thread

    Already missing spring
  4. growfood

    Who has Been Successful Losing Weight and Keeping It Off?

    Have you considered laying off of the po-tay-toes? ...sorry someone had to.
  5. growfood

    Corn cob variety or seeds for pipe making

    Any large white dent variety that is fully dried should work fine
  6. growfood

    Corn cob variety or seeds for pipe making

    Looks like MM uses a white dent variety. This looks pretty good, large ears. Boone County White Dent
  7. growfood

    Matches vs. Lighters

    Hemp wick for me. I like the thick one from Bee Line Hemp Wick. I find it to burn cooler, if you want you can let the flame run a second for more flame. If I'm lighting the end or a shallow bowl I can get the wick down in there easy
  8. growfood

    Aromatic alternative: Combining pipe smoking with a food snack

    Now I can justify splurging on some Mexican stone ground chocolate, for the science of it all.
  9. growfood

    MSG in Pipe Tobacco?

    Indeed. Hard to escape the modification of genes these days unfortunately. On to the road to transgenetic humans, or the slippery slope as it were.
  10. growfood

    Grateful from PA

    Happy Thanksgiving friends. Just getting back into pipes after having given them up 15 years ago when I started enjoying them at 18. Now a days I grow vegetables with my wife for a living and long for a more traditional and agrarian way of living. I am happy to have a place to share our joy of...
  11. growfood

    Hemp wick

    Quite, as well as potentially some unspent butane. I understand it to be clean burning but I still prefer what I find to be a cleaner taste by using the hemp wick. I do recommend trying it to anyone who hasn't.
  12. growfood

    Hemp wick

    Not sure the science behind it, but I find a cleaner taste when I use the wick over a lighter. Maybe the lower temperature of the flame. I also tend to fill half a pipe or less so it makes lighting deep into the bowl easier.
  13. growfood

    Hemp wick

    Anyone using hemp wick instead of lighters or matches?