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  1. litup

    The Acolyte on Disney+

    Couldn't agree more. I'm not the least bit bothered by a diverse cast or crew, but if that's the only selling point, I'm not going to be interested. Tell me a good story and I'll embrace the heck out of the diversity. Threaten to hit me over the head with another blunt DEI cudgel and I'll do...
  2. litup

    Anyone Play Video Games?

    I love the game so much because it's an actual challenge. But I just can't get past Malenia. I guess my reflexes aren't up to speed.
  3. litup

    Full Virginia Flake

    Once upon a time, I would have greeted this news with enthusiastic buying. But the new silver tins are sealed with a flimsy cellophane band and a half-hearted attempt at vacuum sealing and I have little confidence I could smoke many tins before some of them go bad. I plan to buy a tin or two...
  4. litup

    What Show Us Hey New Greetings Help!

    The current forum in a nutshell.
  5. litup

    What's Your MBTI?

    He didn't have to. The forum came up quite a bit for some reason and the opinions were shared readily. There's very little point in starting a conversation here becaue the nay-sayers, curmudgeons, anti-social gatekeepers are just going to come in and shut threads down if it doesn't pass their...
  6. litup

    What's Your MBTI?

    If you legitimately think that's happening here and you're concerned about it to this apparent degree, why not take the test and provide wrong answers only to screw them out of their precious and valuable data?
  7. litup

    Chicago 2024: Who's going?

    Very cool. Thanks for the explanation and the links to the Instagram pictures.
  8. litup

    Chicago 2024: Who's going?

    I passed your table a couple times and I was intrigued by the translucent meerschaum. Can you tell me a little bit more about how or why this is different than typical meerschaum? Is it a different material or just a different quality?
  9. litup

    Sacramento Pipe Club?

    There's still a group of about 7-10 of us that used to meet at the Briar Patch and now meet out in Woodland on the last Sunday of each month. If any of you check this thread and you're still interested, you can PM me for more details.
  10. litup

    The Briar And The Burley

    $5.25 an ounce isn't a bad price especially for a B&M. Heck, I gladly pay @ $5.88 an ounce for bulk HH Old Dark Fired from smokingpipes.
  11. litup

    Benchmark Blends

    If I just want a reliably good smoke and I'm not looking to be adventurous and try something new, you'll most often find that I've loaded a bowl with Peterson Irish Flake, HH Old Dark Fired, or F&T's Special Brown Flake.
  12. litup

    Lester Young Repeats as USA Slow Smoking Champion!

    What’s amazing is that anyone can spend an hour smoking a bowl of tobacco that was cased in Malort. 🤮
  13. litup

    Aging and Pricing Thoughts

    There's a vocal bias against reselling tins here. It's like a badge of honor for some people to want nothing to do with making a few dollars on a tin they no longer want. They'd rather let it collect dust in a bin somewhere so they can get a little extra street cred on the forums when they...
  14. litup

    Aging and Pricing Thoughts

    When it comes to resale of tins, I think it's helpful to look to people like PipeStud or sites like Tinbids for information. PipeStud lays out what he's looking for when accepting commissions. I'd take these as the baseline for when you might expect a tin to be worth more than a regular retail...
  15. litup

    Chicago 2024: Who's going?

    Hey now! Not all of us are tall.