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  1. P

    New Acquisition

    I purchased this JM Boswell Freeform sitter today. It was reasonably priced and smokes like a dream. This is my second Boswell pipe. I really like them. Anyone else on the forum have a Boswell?
  2. P

    Five Brothers to Pep Things Up!!

    I use about 3 parts 1q to 2 parts 5B. A little less than half. It gives me a bit of a kick, but still lets the aromatic taste come through.
  3. P

    Zippo customer service

    I did not want a "free part". I was interested in exchanging one part for another so it is more user friendly to me. I know they used to exchange a regular insert for a pipe insert. If they dont still do that of course I will buy one.
  4. P

    Zippo customer service

    I just read on some form that they no longer do that. Did you do this recently?
  5. P

    Zippo customer service

    I hope this is in the right category, but if not, please forgive me. I heard through various forums that if you mail your regular zippo lighter back to the factory, they will replace the insert with a pipe. Insert free of charge. I sent messages on two separate occasions to their customer...
  6. P

    Five Brothers to Pep Things Up!!

    I bought a pouch of five brothers tobacco a couple months ago and smoked a bowl and did not particularly enjoy it. The taste was fine, but it burnt fast and the nicotine hit was a little much for me. Since I didn't pay that much for it, I decided that the pouch will probably go unsmoked. Last...
  7. P

    Plug tobacco

    I recently bought a couple of tins of tobacco and didnt realize they were in plug form. Im sure the shop that I bought them from would take them back but I decided to keep them. I have not smoked plug before but I watched some youtube videos to figure it out. Do you guys have any specific...
  8. P

    Is This Normal?

    Thank you for your kind words. Once I learned about the breath method it changed my smoking. Finding a pace and cadence made such a difference. I haven't smoked a cigar in months. The subtle flavors of pipe tobacco are a good fit for me. I also am grateful for the community of pipe smokers.
  9. P

    Is This Normal?

    Thank you for the quick reply. I have been smoking lots of aromatics and the Northwoods and particularly the Plum Pudding seemed a bit stronger with more of a flavor punch. I really enjoy the aromatics but also enjoyed the richer flavors of the other blends I mentioned. I would like to explore...
  10. P

    Is This Normal?

    Title edited. No all caps. See Rule 9. I am a relatively new pipe smoker(about 2 years) but smoked cigars for several years. In the last 2 years I have put many miles on some inexpensive estate pipes. Recently I bought my first new pipe, a large Boswell. I smoked my first bowl in it which was...
  11. P


    We went to the beach and picked up a bunch of seashells. As I looked at them I could visualize a pipe stand. What else would I use them for? People have probably done this before but I am feeling like a great inventor!! Here is my new creation with my brand new Boswell pipe!
  12. P

    Nathan "CrashTheGrey" Davis on Radio Show of May 7, 2024

    @crashthegrey I just listened to the episode. I found it very inspiring and wish you success! The piping world has such an interesting link to history. Glad you are part of it!
  13. P

    Boswell Northwoods

    Just smoke my first few bowls of Boswells Northwoods. It is a great tobacco and so easy to smoke. Im curious if anyone else has tried Northwoods and would like to hear your thoughts.
  14. P


    I am relatively new to pipe smoking(smoked cigars for many years) and like most people I had trouble keeping the dang thing lit and I had a consistent problem with gurgling. It seemed liked I was doing everything right but I was missing something. Last week I was crusing throigh some old forum...
  15. P

    Your Experience with Bit Grips/Softy Bits?

    This may be an old thread but I thought I would respond anyway. I probably have 50+ pipes and every one has a softy bit or a similar thing. I am a clencher and often have a pipe in my face and cant smoke with out them. To each his own!