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  1. SmokerLawyer

    ***What Are You Smoking, October 2023?***

    Just finished a bowl of MacBaren Classic/Vanilla Cream. It's one of my favourite aro blends, burns well, comfortable all day smoke. Totally smells like milky vanilla pudding before lighting, its smoke has one of the best room notes. I usually feel the taste of tender, sweet virgina with some...
  2. SmokerLawyer

    Does Pipe Smoking Reduce Stress and/or Blood Pressure?

    I can admit that (pipe) smoking is a harmful and unhealthy habit that can potentially lead to the deterioration of health. But I believe that the biggest plague of our times is stress, anxiety and loneliness. I believe that the one who eats well, smokes well and lives in peace will probably be...
  3. SmokerLawyer

    Chacom Montmarte 17 - a new addition to my collection

    I like 9mm filter pipes, too. This one for example, and the Montmarte series in general, is made without a filter but as far as I know it can be easily transformed into a filter one. So if you have a reliable specialist on making/repairing pipes around, it's worth a try to ask them if they can...
  4. SmokerLawyer


    Welcome from Hungary! Have fun here, it's a great community
  5. SmokerLawyer

    Chacom Montmarte 17 - a new addition to my collection

    They're really beautiful. I think it can be a unique addition to any collection. I'll use mine with mainly MacBaren Three Nuns.
  6. SmokerLawyer

    Chacom Montmarte 17 - a new addition to my collection

    I haven't find that before posting my thread unfortunately. Thank you for drawing my attention to that!
  7. SmokerLawyer

    Chacom Montmarte 17 - a new addition to my collection

    I was trying to find a topic for french pipes but I haven't seen any, so I thought I'd make this short thread about my brand new Chacom. I really fell in love with the Chacom - Montmarte series so I had luck with this one, because this was the only and last Montmarte that I could find at a...
  8. SmokerLawyer

    ***What Are You Smoking, September, 2023?***

    MacBaren Vanilla Cream with a glass of yellow muscat - heavenly combination The pipe is a Capitello billiard - an already forgotten italian brand. I think the company ceased or merged into another bigger one, I'm not sure. Have a nice day y'all.
  9. SmokerLawyer

    ***What Are You Smoking, September, 2023?***

    Thank you! Actually I have a bunch of old briars from him but unfortunately this is the only one that is suitable for smoking. Although I'm thinking on renovating the others too, because I know a guy who can revive old pipes for a fair price.
  10. SmokerLawyer

    Old-new member

    I'm glad that you've returned to this passion, too. Capstan is really a good brand, I didn't know that it's not available in the US. I read somewhere that Capstan was also J.R.R. Tolkien's favourite brand to smoke - this is why I first tried it and I buy it when I can ever since!
  11. SmokerLawyer

    ***What Are You Smoking, September, 2023?***

    Straight virginia (Mellow Mallard) from a heritage-pipe. This noname briar is like ~45 years old and still functional. Smells good tastes good. My grandfather bought it from a local tobacconist then my father used it for some years. The pipe itself was probably made in Yugoslavia / somewhere on...
  12. SmokerLawyer

    This is a Bit Extreme.

    Using vape as a pipe can be fine but unfortunately most people (at least the ones I know) use them as cigarettes. They already got used to inhaling cigs so now they do the same with steamed-lube.
  13. SmokerLawyer

    Smoking and Talking

    Same here. Although I can talk while smoking a pipe and I have a friend whom we always smoke together while having a walk in the night, I also noticed that I need to pay attention to the pipe and it bothers me when I can't. If we just sit, smoke and talk, it's okay for me, but if we roam the...
  14. SmokerLawyer


    As many fellow smokers said before me, latakia is definetely not a good choice for beginners. When I first started to try latakia blends, my trick was that I smoked them very slowly from a churchwarden. Maybe it's just me, but it was much more enjoyable this way. I still have this silly little...
  15. SmokerLawyer

    This is a Bit Extreme.

    "It is part of an effort to reduce tobacco use in Canada to less than 5% by 2035." Well governments had similar goals in Europe. Now tobacco usage has decreased, all the kids are smoking IQOS / vaping instead. I tasted IQOS products a few times, it' just unbearably hot and acidic for me. It...