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  1. Tom-202

    Buy the Best and Cry Once?

    I think all answers are right here and it’s always person dependent. That said, as a generalization, a briar pipe (new) in the $70 and above range will almost always have classic construction and an easy draw. To be sure I have terrific cobs at less than this price point. And incredible...
  2. Tom-202

    Pegasus: Love for One Blend

    I have four burley blends — Pegasus which is excellent,. Solani’s Aged Burley Flake which is good, Match City Deluxe Crumb Cut which is OK, and Peretti’s B-49 whith is so-so. If we shift into VaBur blends, HH Old Dark Fired is excellent, and I’d for the sake of somewhere to put it, place HH...
  3. Tom-202

    Falcon Bowl woes

    I’ve only about 45 pipes with only distinction between them is most are briar and a few are meerschaum. I’ve yet to see the upside to investing into the Falcon system (or some better mousetrap), not because of this discussion but because … well why? Is there an upside to a Falcon over one of my...
  4. Tom-202

    Jim's Sutliff Pipe Force Episode VI Review.

    Would you mind my asking if you are comped these blends you review? The ‘this blend goes on sale’ sounds a bit like you are working for the blender or some vendor entity.
  5. Tom-202

    Jim's Drucquer & Sons King's Fool Review.

    Thanks for the review, detailed as always. I will avoid this kitchen sink.
  6. Tom-202

    Review of Garvey’s Balkan (and recommendation query)

    Not sure how people can answer this query … for instance, I love Balkans but have not ever heard of Garvey. Your notes suggest that the burley is an important element. Some people view an ‘American’ blend as English with Burley, so perhaps Gentleman Caller, Dr. Bradley, Americana, or HGL. The...
  7. Tom-202

    Presbyterian Mixture

    Presbyterians are known as the ‘frozen chosen.’ Oh, you mean the tobacco. Sorry.
  8. Tom-202

    Question for Jim

    Exactly. Thus the essential problem with reviews — no alignment or calibration with taste buds. Be so much better if reviews could say ‘this is like xxx but different in yyy way.’
  9. Tom-202

    Pegasus: Love for One Blend

    Loved it! Rich, chewy, very tasty.
  10. Tom-202

    Jim's C&D Corn Cob Pipe & A Button Nose Review.

    Could not disagree more. This was one of the worst aromatics I’ve ever tried.
  11. Tom-202

    Jim's Sutliff Maple Shadows Review.

    Totally agree. I find such reviews clinical.
  12. Tom-202

    Sacramento Pipe Club?

    Davis here. Love to get together.
  13. Tom-202

    English vs Balkan

    I like my categories.
  14. Tom-202

    English vs Balkan

    My way of keeping track of my tobaccos.
  15. Tom-202

    English vs Balkan

    Just blends I’ve tried. A lot I have not tried. I suspect blenders try this and that and don’t work that hard on keeping clear definitional lines. If a touch of Latakia goes into Greek and Turkish tobacco does that force them to call it a Balkan? Not sure it matters. I’m talking to myself...