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  1. warren99

    ***What Are You Smoking, June 2024?***

    Old Joe Krantz Red Label in a Poul Winslow C bent Calabash.
  2. warren99

    ***What Are You Smoking, June 2024?***

    Arango Balkan Supreme in a Bertram Safferling No. 2 Calabash.
  3. warren99

    Western New York Checking in

    Welcome from California.
  4. warren99

    ***What Are You Smoking, June 2024?***

    GLP Charing Cross in an Adam Davidson blowfish.
  5. warren99

    Hi from Thailand

    Unfortunately, I missed the Songkran festival by a couple of weeks. The weather was nice though. The last time I was in Bangkok, it had rained constantly.
  6. warren99

    ***What Are You Smoking, June 2024?***

    Arango Balkan Supreme in a Becker Royal Flush Elite scoop.
  7. warren99

    What are You Reading Now?

    The Idiot to me was the least rewarding of the four Dostoevsky novels I’ve read and I found the ending to be rather disappointing..
  8. warren99

    Hi from Thailand

    Welcome from California. I had a very enjoyable trip to Bangkok and Chiang Mai in April.
  9. warren99

    New Member from the Texas Hill Country…

    Welcome from California.
  10. warren99

    What are You Reading Now?

    Thomas S. Kuhn, The Structure of Scientific Revolutions.
  11. warren99

    ***What Are You Smoking, June 2024?***

    Thanks. It smokes great, too.
  12. warren99

    Hello, from Arkansas

    Welcome from California.
  13. warren99

    New Member from VA

    Welcome from California.
  14. warren99

    Greetings from the Front Range in CO

    Welcome from California.
  15. warren99

    Hello from Wasington State.

    Welcome from California.