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  1. ahmadothman

    [AhmadOthman] G.L. Pease Cairo Review

    This blend caught my interest purely by name, as it is named after the city I live in and G.L. said he was inspired by the city when creating this blend. So, I tried it and I think that Pease created a masterpiece here. On opening the tin, you are welcome by a grassy, spicy aroma like an old...
  2. ahmadothman

    [AhmadOthman] Samuel Gawith Black XX Twist Review

    By all means this is a peculiar blend. From its name to tin design, to its structure and mechanics. And then smoking it is another experience. The simple tin art gives nothing of the blend, but may relate since it will get your head gears going akin to the gears on the tin. And now when you open...
  3. ahmadothman

    [AhmadOthman] Cornell & Diehl Star of the East Review

    The blender lies a blatant lie with this one. The tin claims a half Latakia blend, which is for any Latakia fan like me is a dream. And sadly it isn't, so if that's your buying point, then stay away from this. However, this is not bad tobacco at all. On the contrary, I found it pleasurable from...
  4. ahmadothman

    [AhmadOthman] Dunhill Dark Flake Re-release Review

    It's been a while, my friends.. But I am back with another review. I haven't had a chance to smoke the original, and probably wasn't even around when it was being produced. So this review will be an independent review of this current iteration. The main role here is played by dark virginias, and...
  5. ahmadothman

    Show off your Ropp pipes here

    Ropp is a french pipe maker that creates lovely, inexpensive pipes. They have a few series going around, notably their beautiful Vintage line that features quite aged briar and real horn stems. This page is dedicated to those french beauties
  6. ahmadothman

    [Pix] New pipe, More tobacco

    Hi Friends, I have two orders finally come to me from both sides of the pond, having a lot of goodies One from US featuring Potlatch, Black XX and some works from the master Gregory L. Pease and the other from Netherlands with Irish Flake, University flake, Lizzy mix and my first Solani...
  7. ahmadothman

    [AhmadOthman] Mac Baren Dark Twist Roll Cake Review

    Hi Friends, It's been a while since I got the chance to be here, and I missed you all. But I am back and with a review of a quite complex blend IMO This blend is quite tricky. And it has a learning curve, which is a lot to say about a tobacco blend, so I will divide my review to two parts, one...
  8. ahmadothman

    [AhmadOthman] Mac Baren Navy Flake Review

    This is my first blend dubbed "Navy" flake.. and from the history of tobacco, I imagined something rough and strong like the winds and waves braved by the navies when this kind of tobacco was made for the sailors. And the conservative, white & red tin art confirmed my speculation, and as I...
  9. ahmadothman

    FDA Regulations - We The People petition

    Hi all, There is a petition on the We the people website demanding the current US administration to review the FDA rulings on tobacco. I think it'd be nice if anyone who can sign would do so on the link here. And maybe this will turn the tide a bit
  10. ahmadothman

    [AhmadOthman] Ashton Artisan Blend Review

    A tobacco worthy of its name. A true artisan work. When you first open the tin, you are cordially welcomed by an aroma of Syrian Latakia and orientals.. Followed by a very dark well cut chunks of tobacco. The moisture content is acceptable, though a bit of drying may be your thing. I never...
  11. ahmadothman

    Dunhill Flake Review

    his is quite an interesting tobacco. And despite being labelled as "Straight" virginia, it isn't so straight at all. The reason for this is it applies the concept of appearances vs reality. When you open the tin, it's like sunshine in the plains. Sunny, bright virginia thin flakes with a...
  12. ahmadothman

    Santa came to Town [Pic heavy]

    Hi all, Santa came early this year. A mail call I have been constructing for months. The stars of it are - Nording freehand group 2 orange stain with an extra churchwarden stem. Thanks to the amazing Glynn Quelch (You're missed,man). - A SMS carved block meerschaum with case - And some...
  13. ahmadothman

    Dunhill Elizabethan Mixture Review

    This is quite an acclaimed blend and I tend to approach these ones with high caution as not to be predisposed. And so I opened the tin not knowing exactly what to expect rather than the tin description, and I was welcomed with a sharp note of citrus and grass complemented by the bright look of...
  14. ahmadothman

    Dunhill Elizabethan Mixture Review

    This is quite an acclaimed blend and I tend to approach these ones with high caution as not to be predisposed. And so I opened the tin not knowing exactly what to expect rather than the tin description, and I was welcomed with a sharp note of citrus and grass complemented by the bright look of...
  15. ahmadothman

    Davidoff Royalty Pipe Tobacco Review

    From my experience with tobacco, the word Royal lives in infamy. I have never tried a "Royal" blend and was satisfied, except for Royal Yacht of course. So, I was quite conservative while trying this out. It was under a scrutinizing test. And it delivered, hugely. Starting with the elegant...
  16. ahmadothman

    Mac Baren Vanilla Cream - Loose Cut - Review

    This is a really beautiful tobacco. One that's very foretelling of Mac Baren brand of blends. The note is quite elegant and regal with a light colour and the crest of HH in the top. Upon opening the tin, you're welcomed with a sunshine of light virginias, and a seeded earth black of Cavendish...
  17. ahmadothman

    Frog Morton Across the Pond Review

    This is an interesting entry in the Frog Morton line. For one, it's the only one with Syrian Latakia, and this will play a major role of how this works, yet the role is played from the shadows. Then there is the show of the Ketchup taste and aroma..There isn't a more elaborate way to describe...
  18. ahmadothman

    Frog Morton Across the Pond Review

    This is an interesting entry in the Frog Morton line. For one, it's the only one with Syrian Latakia, and this will play a major role of how this works, yet the role is played from the shadows. Then there is the show of the Ketchup taste and aroma..There isn't a more elaborate way to describe...
  19. ahmadothman

    A Flea Market Lottery pick - An illustrated story

    A friend of mine who lives in Germany passed by a flea market, I told him to check some pipes for me.. And as he went in, he found a stand with some pipes on it and I instantly loved one of them, a lovely looking Tyrollean pipe that's quite exquisite yet simple and elegant.. So I asked him to...
  20. ahmadothman

    Frog Morton's Cellar Tobacco Review

    Well, as a tobacco with such reputation, I expected more. And here lies the problem. This is good tobacco, but it lacks a lot of depth and personality.. I tried Frog Morton on the town before this from Frog Morton line, and it delivers well on all aspects. But Cellar doesn't.. From the tin note...