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  1. cachimbero

    Contemporary Barling Meerschaum pies

    Hello to all forum members. Anyone has any experience with the pre¡sent day line of Barling meerschaum? My wife has been pressing me to let her know which pipe I would like for Christmas and I have finally decided on one of these in a rusticated finish. I am confident about my choice as I have...
  2. cachimbero


    I just read today, in another thread, that Estervals has acquired world rights on McClelland´s name. I was waiting for someone less shy than me to start a thread on this topic, but no one seems to volunteer, so here I am. Your thoughts?
  3. cachimbero

    Ascanian Packaging Options

    I am finishing my first tin of Ascanian #2. Being very impressed with the tobacco, I have decided to buy some for the cellar. It is offered in 50 grams tins with one of those "soft" lids, in 100 grams paint can style tins and 250 grams packs. I don´t know the quality or material of the latter...
  4. cachimbero

    Mac Baren HH Vintage Latakia. Impressions.

    I have finished my first tin of Mac Baren HH Vintage Latakia. As I see it is a seldom reviewed tobacco, I think a review could be useful. There are very few reviews of this in, at least under this name. Some people think this is the same tobacco that is sold in the US under...
  5. cachimbero

    Mac Baren HH Vintage Latakia

    Anyone here has tried it? I have smoked a few bowls and am a bit confused. I´ll post a review when I finish the tin and my mind is made up, but I would like to know the opinion of fellow pipers. I thought I was going to find a Vintage Syrian with the Syrian substituted by Cyprian, but I think...
  6. cachimbero

    Any African Meerschaums currently made?

    I am looking for an African meerschaum pipe. What I have in mind is a classical shape with a rusticated surface and stained (the way Peterson used to make). Is there anyone making these currently? Anywhere where NOS ones are for sale? Thank you very much.
  7. cachimbero

    New Member from Spain

    I am a 50 years old pipe smoker. I have been smoking pipes since 1996. My life is very hectic, but due to health issues (nothing really serious) I find myself "stranded" at home for a few weeks. I have been lurking through the forum and have decided to introduce myself after finding some old...