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60 Fresh Vauen Pipes
24 Fresh Brebbia Pipes
72 Fresh Nørding Pipes
8 Fresh IMP Meerschaum Pipes
3 Fresh Bill Shalosky Pipes

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  1. Annaresti Red

    Aging and Pricing Thoughts

    Hello, What are folks general thoughts on pricing tobaccos based on age? I realize that many things factor into this, but I'm mostly thinking about tins that are mostly available but maybe a bit more difficult like SG FVF or something popular and available like SPC or C&D blends. When does...
  2. Annaresti Red

    Making Room: HU and SG, Sealed & Open 4/3/24

    Hello! Making some room over the next few weeks and selling some blends that i don't enjoy. Sealed Tins - Priced separately or $60 as lot (lot price includes shipping.) HU My Red Fox - purchased 2/1/2021 ($22 +shipping) SG Grousemoor 50g purchased 2/5/2021($14+shipping) Vauen 170 - 2/1/2021...
  3. Annaresti Red

    Subscription Services Discussion

    Hello Pipers, Are there any subscription boxes or other similar services related to pipes/pipes smoking? I know Muttonchop shared one but it seems to be out of commission. I have participated in tangentially related subscription boxes like bespoke post, which occasionally have pipe tobacco...
  4. Annaresti Red

    On Codger Blends and Their Matches, et al.

    Hello fellow pipers and other cultural miscreants! I've heard all kinds of hubbub about breaking in pipes or not, as the case may be. So, I've been wanting to try some codgers, both for possibly breaking in a pipe, but also just because I love smoking my pipe and want to try some. I...
  5. Annaresti Red

    What is Your Favorite Blend in the Morning?

    What is your favorite morning smoke? I often start with KBV Burley Morning, Vauen's Barvarian Blend, now and then some Pegasus. I'd love to hear folks favorites and recommendations!
  6. Annaresti Red

    Brick and Mortar Shops With Online Stores

    I was hoping to make a definitive list of stores that we can support and discuss that have both online and physical stores. Please share and comment and I will turn it into a living list with links.
  7. Annaresti Red

    What's your Favorite "Navy"?

    Hello, I'm looking for a Navy or Navy "style" blend. I am hunting for one with a note pronounced Molasses and rum note, but not so much as it reaches aro territory. What are your favorites? Which ones might fit that profile? I'm considering Speakeasy, Windjammer and SG Navy Flake, but am...
  8. Annaresti Red

    Trades and Samples Navy Blends Etc. (02/22/24)

    Hello! I have a few blends I really would like to try, and I'm sure others have been in the same boat. If you have any of these, let me know and look below at what I have to see if any interest you. I'm hoping for 10 grams or less (less for those rarer examples), just to get a few bowls and...
  9. Annaresti Red

    Oh! The Humanity! Broken Jar!

    Shit. What a day.
  10. Annaresti Red

    Suggestions on repair on my meerschaum.

    Hello! Back when I started smoking pipe in earnest, I bought this cheap (but expensive for me at the time!) meerschaum ostensibly manufactured by CAO. The stem is a little off balance when screwed on. The bottom line is that it smokes fine but if there's a fix, I'd like to try it.
  11. Annaresti Red

    Lunch Break Bowl: An Inquiry.

    As a union organizer I am always on the move. I prefer to smoke my pipe when I have time to relax and enjoy, without pressing issues invading my mental shire. But, sometimes a 20 or 30 minute pipe break in the midst of a busy 12 hour day is just what is needed. I would like to hear what other...
  12. Annaresti Red

    Where to Draw the Line on Cellar Size?

    Edit title. Original: "Where to draw the line - my cellular may be too full." Hello! This is more of a person to person opinion question: how often do you smoke compared to your stash? I smoke about twice a month, but have accumulated about 90 tins of tobacco. I'm happy to keep a bunch in...
  13. Annaresti Red

    Can you Cellar too Long?

    Title edited for caps and brevity. Please look to Rule 9. Easy peasy. Hello, I know the general answer is - maybe. But, let's say I have a wide variety of sealed tins in a sealed tupperware. Is there such a thing as waiting too long? Does it happen with aromatics? What about other types of...
  14. Annaresti Red

    Pipe Types and Bowl Sizes and Lengths

    Hello, Newbie question. What are the rules of thumb on types of pipes matching certain tobaccos? I've heard things like "smoke Virginia in a .75 bowl or less, longer stems if it bites" and other things like that. Wider bowls for aromatics or English. Is there anything to this?
  15. Annaresti Red

    Sugar or Mold

    G'Afternoon Pipe friends, For folks who have been around a bit this may seem like a silly question. I was hoping some people could help me in understanding how to tell the difference between various expressions of sugar crystal development and what may be a mold. I thought I could tell...
  16. Annaresti Red

    Your Go to Morning Blend

    EDIT: Fixed Capitalization in Title (See Rule 9) Hello folks, I usually smoke once a day, in the afternoon and evening. Blends vary of course, like everyone, but generally it's Virginia family in the afternoon and English/Balkan at night with the rare Vauen aromatic in stead. But, lately...
  17. Annaresti Red

    Upping the Nicontentment?

    Hello, Let's say I find a blend that I love everything about, except the nicotine content is lacking. What do you do? Do you "add dark burley and stir"? Do you find a similar blend that has a higher percent? I'm curious on a general information level about adding components to a blend you...
  18. Annaresti Red

    What is He Smoking? Help Identifying Pipes and Tobacco

    EDIT: Fixed Capitalization in Title (See Rule 9) Hello, I'm sure this has been done many times over the years, but here I attempt yet another thread focusing on identifying tobaccos or pipes. Starting with this: At 19:05, what is that tobacco? I simply cannot recognize it. Thank you!
  19. Annaresti Red

    New Member Concord, CA

    Glad to find a pipe community. I miss going to chew the fat at the smoke shop. Been smoking pipe off and on for 20 years. I am currently loving SGs Kendal Cream and GL Piccadilly. Currently my dream tobacco to try is the elusive Jfg&s' rich dark Flake.