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  1. TheDesertPiper

    My Mixture 965- a Review

    Sometime right after Christmas I ordered a few new blends to try as well as some other goodies from One of said blends was Peterson's My Mixture 965. I have never tried any version of this blend, but I have heard the current incarnation is good. I really enjoy English blends...
  2. TheDesertPiper

    Cornell & Diehl Pirate Kake

    I decided to ring in the new year by trying out some Pirate Kake by Cornell and Diehl. While I do enjoy latakia I have never smoked a lat bomb before. I honestly was not too sure whether I was going to really like it or not. Tin note was nice. Very pungent and full of leathery goodness. As I'm...
  3. TheDesertPiper

    Wilderness Review

    I've managed to amass a few tins worth of McClelland Wilderness now through buying stuff second hand. Wilderness was never the real reason I made any of the purchases. It was always an extra that was included in a lot of tins that had something I really wanted, so I hadn't yet bothered trying it...
  4. TheDesertPiper

    Thanksgiving blend?

    Thanksgiving is upon us, so I was wondering what blend will be gracing your pipe tomorrow after the feast? I haven't quite decided on my own selection, but I'm thinking either Haunted Bookshop or Nightcap. I may have to go ahead and smoke both.
  5. TheDesertPiper

    Tried out a Cigar for the First Time!

    Title edited to capitalize only important words. (Rule 9) I have never been too interested in trying out cigars until today. I woke up after having had a very strange dream where I was smoking cigars with Kurtwood Smith. Like I said, strange, but after waking up I couldn't shake the feeling...
  6. TheDesertPiper

    G.L. Pease Maltese Falcon

    Tonight was a relatively cool night where I live in Arizona, at least compared to normal temps for this time of year. It struck me as the right kind of night to finally open up and smoke the tin of Maltese Falcon that I picked up a few couple weeks ago. Having just recently discovered the...
  7. TheDesertPiper

    G.L. Pease Windjammer

    I am on a quest! A quest to find the perfect blends for my tobacco rotation. Unfortunately for my wallet I feel compelled to try out as many blends as I can afford in pursuit of this noble cause. I said in my Haunted Bookshop review the other day that I had also purchased a tin of Windjammer to...
  8. TheDesertPiper

    C&D Haunted Bookshop

    I have heard a lot of mixed reviews about Haunted Bookshop from others online. Some people really hype it up and sing its praises, while others would say its mediocre at best. I have been on somewhat of a VaPer/ perique kick as of late anyways so when I saw a tin at my local B&M whilst picking...
  9. TheDesertPiper

    Recommend a Spicy Blend Please

    It doesn't matter to me if its a peppery perique type spicy or an oriental spicy. I've just been in the mood for a smoke that has some kick to it. Honestly, the more spicy the better. Thank you in advance.
  10. TheDesertPiper

    Cornell & Diehl Comfort

    Picked up a tin of Cornell & Diehl comfort as well as a few other goodies earlier today from my local B&M. Comfort is part of their "serenity" series which I, until about 4 hours ago, had never heard of. Wasn't planning on buying it, but the description on the tin sounded good. It said it was a...
  11. TheDesertPiper

    Sutliff 515 RC-1 review

    After purchasing and smoking some legit 5100 RedCake from another member here I realized that I absolutely love the taste. Knowing that the very limited amount I have isn't going to last too terribly long I asked what good alternatives there were for 5100. Sutliff's 515 RC-1 was the number one...
  12. TheDesertPiper

    Presbyterian Mixture Review

    I purchased a tin of Presbyterian from my local B&M some months ago while I was searching for new English blends to try, I then promptly and completely forgot about it as I tried and acquired other blends. I was moving and reorganizing all of my pipes and tobaccos earlier this week to try and...
  13. TheDesertPiper

    What is a Good Pipe with Smaller Bowl ?

    EDIT: Fixed Capitalization in Title (See Rule 9) As the title states, I am trying to find a good pipe model, preferably briar, that has a smaller bowl. I am just trying to cut down the time it takes for me to smoke. I live in Arizona, It is getting really hot, and I cannot smoke indoors for...
  14. TheDesertPiper

    First Time Sir Walter Raleigh Review

    I have been recommended on more then one occasion here on the forum, and in real life to try out some of the "codger" blends. I finally decided to take that advice and went ahead and ordered some Sir Walter Raleigh from P&C about a month or so ago. I got the 1.5 ounce pouch since I wasn't sure...
  15. TheDesertPiper

    Cornell & Diehl Purple Cow Review

    A few months ago I was browsing through the selection at my local B&M store when I came across a tin of C&D purple cow. I saw that it was a blend of Latakia, Virginias, Burley, and Maduro cigar leaf. I only ever smoked a few cigars in my life and I honestly couldn't even tell you what they were...
  16. TheDesertPiper

    Smoke a Bowl for Me Today

    I'm not really too sure if this is the right place to post this, but I wanted to share this somewhere. Last night my first child was born. She was early and there was a bit an unforeseen situation that required her to come out sooner rather than later. Both her and my wife are doing well and are...
  17. TheDesertPiper

    First Time McClelland 5100 Red Cake.

    I feel like it might be a bit pointless to review a blend from a blender that is no longer in the business, but It was my first time trying 5100 and I still wanted to get my thoughts out. This afternoon I received a package in the mail containing some tobacco I purchased from craig61a (Thank you...
  18. TheDesertPiper

    First Time Orlik Golden Sliced

    I was at my local B&M earlier today and on the recommendation of another person I picked up a tin of Orlik Golden Sliced. I haven't been smoking too terribly long (about a year) and the overwhelming majority of what I have been smoking is English blends, followed by aromatics. I have barely...
  19. TheDesertPiper

    Greetings from Peoria Arizona!

    I've only been smoking a pipe for a about a year now. It took me quite a few weeks to really get the hang of it, but as time and bowls of tobacco have gone by I have found a good rhythm and smoking my pipe has become an enjoyable part of daily routine. I, like many others have a bit of pipe...