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  1. Michigan_Bill

    Einstein was Right About Time

    So it doesn’t matter the size of the pipe or the blend of tobacco. When I get to the bottom of the bowl, I always think, “That was so fast, how is this bowl finished so soon?” Then glance at My watch and think, “Where did the time go? How could I be in the zone for so long?” The only possible...
  2. Michigan_Bill

    An Article in Favor of Pipes and Cigars

    In the current issue of National Review: A Puff Piece by Luther Ray Abel
  3. Michigan_Bill

    An Interaction with my Doctor Today

    So today I went to my doctor for my annual Medicare appointment. The doctor has a list of questions to ask and so on, and the doctor documents everything for the government program. (For those outside the US, Medicare is the federal government health program for seniors. With all the usual...
  4. Michigan_Bill

    MM Zenon Air Leak

    Hi Gentlemen, I just purchased a new Missouri Meerschaum Zenon hardwood pipe. I like it very much and look forward to smoking it. Like all MM hardwood pipes, the shank extends into the bowl. Well, I am disappointed to find that there is a gap around the shank, so that if I block the top of the...
  5. Michigan_Bill

    Plum Pudding Special Reserve Flake?

    Any opinions on this? Is this available on a recurrent basis? Plum Pudding Special Reserve Flake - Seattle Pipe Club Pipe Tobacco -...
  6. Michigan_Bill

    Paul's Pipe Shop and a New Cayuga Pipe

    I had a very nice visit at Paul's Pipe Shop in Flint, Michigan. I met Paul's grandson who was helpful and knowledgeable. And this is the pipe I picked up: It's a good smoker and feels good in the hand. And made here in Michigan. And I purchased it right where it was made. What’s not to like? ?
  7. Michigan_Bill

    Early Morning Pipe

    I'm fairly new to pipe smoking and I‘ve only had aromatics. Today for the first time I smoked some Early Morning Pipe. Wow!!!!
  8. Michigan_Bill

    Tasting or Touching?

    Have you ever had the feeling, as you were reaching for your pipe and tobacco, that some times you were looking for a certain taste, that is to say, you were choosing a certain tobacco? But that at other times you were looking for a tactile experience, that is to say, you were looking to hold a...
  9. Michigan_Bill

    Hello from Michigan

    Hello all! I have been lurking for a while and decided to "take the plunge" and join in! I retired from Pharmacy a few months ago and am just getting used to my new way of life. My daughter and her family have just moved back to Michigan from Ontario so that is a welcome adjustment also. My...