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  1. Old_Newby

    My First Pipe Dream

    Been smoking about 3 years. This week I had a dream that I was smoking my cob and it was a great smoke but then i looked down my pipe stem was bent and cracked open. I pull out another cob and its stem was tge same. I was upset that i could not finish a tasty smoke. In my dream they were bad...
  2. Old_Newby

    Any Home Recipes?

    Hello Pipers I have an infinity bag of left overs and was thinking of trying something at home. Initial thought is letting an ounce hydrate up a dram of my favorite whiskey. Does sweet things like molassis or honey hydrate well? Any good recipes out there?
  3. Old_Newby

    YABO Fun

    I hope this does not come across as bragging but I get to buy tobacco every 6 months. $200 limit, so $400 per year is my budget. I just open my first box of 2024 and am so excited. Its like Christmas morning.
  4. Old_Newby

    FS: Tobacco Sampler Kit (3 Remaining) (03/13/24)

    I had 6 kits but sold 3 already. These are going fast. Each has 90 blends with 7-8 grams per blend. Each blend provides 2-3 bowls in medium pipe depending on weight and cut of tobacco. Price is $110 but includes shipping in U.S. It would cost you over $1000.00 to acquire these yourself...
  5. Old_Newby

    My Lent Regret

    I know we should gladly sacrifice for lent and my wife convinced me to give up french fries and soft drinks. Unfortunately because she was doing the same plus she was giving up sweets she pressed me to give up something else. She dictated 3 choices. Sweets, Whiskey, or Pipe. This was...
  6. Old_Newby

    Winter Weather Challenge

    Fellow pipers here in Houston it’s 28 degrees, cloudy, and windy and while I could suit up in winter clothing for a smoke I just don’t care for the cold. If it were sunshine and no wind I would but not today. I am sure I am a wimp compared to all of you in North US, Canada, Scandinavia...
  7. Old_Newby

    Seeking Natural Flavor

    Hello fellow pipers. I am sure this is the 100th time this has been discussed but I want to frame it in a different way. Aromatics - I think we all go through the phase of desiring an aromatic. Vanilla, Chocolate, Maple, Cherry, or any delicious flavor we find appealing that ends up being...
  8. Old_Newby

    Future Blenders

    I apologize for being lazy and not researching this topic but wanted to throw an idea out there for your radio show or articles m, etc. I was watching a Jeremy Reeves review this weekend and then saw another YTPC video about whether pipe tobacco hobby industry was healthy or in decline. I...
  9. Old_Newby

    Smoking Jacket

    My neighbor found out I started smoking a pipe. He asked me if I had a smoking jacket. I told him yea I am wearing it. Anyone else have a smoking jacket?
  10. Old_Newby

    Any Blends Make you Sick?

    I have been smoking for 3+ years now and have tried about 150 blends and have never been sick except once when I loved a bowl of Amphora Kentucky and smoked a second bowl back to back. My mistake but some chocolate and ginger ale saved me. That said I have recently watch some YTPC videos where...
  11. Old_Newby

    Missouri Stems

    I know this has likely been discussed but I cannot locate an open post about it. Does anyone know why MM sells their basic black and amber stems for $2, but won’t offer other colors and shapes? Does Vermont Freehand Forever Stems have a contract with MM? I mean if I am going to purchase a...
  12. Old_Newby

    Mac Baren Cake and Flake

    Ok after recently trying some HH Burley Flake, HH Bold Kentucky, and HH Virginia flakes I am liking me some Mac Baren. I now want to try a couple more tin blends. What are your favorites? Below are my considerations so looking for next 2. Roll Cake Dark Twist Roll Cake Vanilla Roll Cake...
  13. Old_Newby

    Erinmore or Blue Note

    Looking at a couple blends that are Virginia but with a sweet and fruity flavor. I cannot stand the Sutliff or Lane casing / topping that I consider a medicinal fake flavor. But I do enjoy the berry flavor of EGR. Anyone have experience with either of these?
  14. Old_Newby

    Thoughts On Rotation

    I know it’s YMMV and to each his own, but what are most of you doing when it comes to smoking a blend. I like about 20 blends and change it up daily and usually every smoke. I rarely smoke more than 2 bowls of the same blend in a week. I hear of others mention after a few bowls over a few...
  15. Old_Newby

    Where Do I Start?

    I have never made a pipe. I only have a carving knife and sandpaper. I do have a hand drill and a table vice but think if I start with solid block I will need a drill press. Is the best bet to buy one of these Kits and just carve away, sand, then stain it?
  16. Old_Newby

    Smoke Air Purifiers

    Probably lots of threads on this subject but wanted to ask those who are using an air purifier what is your opinion on the best on market today, or ones to avoid. I am looking to buy a good one for my garage work bench area for bad weather conditions.
  17. Old_Newby

    On the Other Side Now

    After being an anti smoker for 50 years I am now on the other side. I was born with mild asthma and my mom smoked cigarettes and my father a pipe. They had no idea in 1970 that having a 5 year old in a car with windows rolled up and them smoking was a problem. All my youth I battled...
  18. Old_Newby

    Czech Pipes

    My wife is half Italian and she bought me a Savinelli. I am half Irish and I bought myself a Peterson. My wife’s father is Czech and so I was wanting to get a Czech pipe. My budget is $125 so I wanted to ask if anyone had suggestions.
  19. Old_Newby

    Best Bulk Tobaccos for Aging

    I am around my 3 year mark in piping and obvious still learning. After watching PeacePipeMan I realized I need to start thinking longer term. He cellars and ages so much tobacco he waits 10 years before smoking it. My issue is I cannot afford to buy 10 tins a year of all my favorites tin...
  20. Old_Newby

    100 for 50 (Feedback Requested)

    I don’t know if this has been tried before or if a good idea but I was once a beginner and overwhelmed regarding what tobaccos I would enjoy. I did get some free samples from some great people on this site and I don’t mind sharing forward. However over the past 2+ years I have purchased many...