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  1. Pipespipespipes

    Hint of Ammonia?

    I'm openly new to pipe smoking, having only started a few months ago. In that time I've been mostly smoking English and Balkan blends, and enjoying them very much. Recently been dabbling in some light aromatics and Virginias though for variation. Very recently I've purchased some peterson's...
  2. Pipespipespipes

    Maximum Flavour, Minimum Nicotine?

    Title edited for capitalization. Rule 9. -jpm On the hunt for a blend with the absolute maximum flavour but with low nicotine content? I like English and Balkan blends, which I've noticed on the whole seem quite low in the nicotine department if chosen right (latakia and black Cavendish being...
  3. Pipespipespipes

    Aromatics 101

    So I've been drawn to non aromatic blends, flakes etc as I can taste a distinct difference between them. A Virginia flake vs a balkan blend is a world apart in flavour... And that's a great experience and journey. What I don't get yet is aromatics... I've tried a fair few and whilst they may...
  4. Pipespipespipes

    Clean bowls and cake

    Can you clear up something for me? I'm cleaning with a pipe cleaner after each smoke but I'm not sure what to do with the bowl. If you clean it each time, cake can't be formed (or can it?) ... But most people say you should clean it even those who advocate cake formation? What's best...
  5. Pipespipespipes

    Hello from SW England

    Hi all, Just recently got in to pipe smoking after a friend showed interest and we both got pipes. That was about 2 months ago. Since then I've been through several blends to find a general type that I'm happy in and have settled on English and Balkan flakes for the time being . Currently...