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  1. Red Leader

    Pipes that are sour-resistant: a quality of briar to judge?

    Do some pipes just never really need to be cleaned? And other need to be cleaned after every use to keep from going bitter/sour? I was thinking about this the other day as I had a few different pipes in the rotation, one after the other, on the same day. For sure, the quality of the briar...
  2. Red Leader

    New Pipe Day: Kaywoodie Centennial !

    I feel almost guilty making this post. Never thought I'd be doing it actually. As a total newbie Kaywoodie collector, I've got about 4 of them - a far cry from the 'well I sold off about 250 of them and now I'm down to only several dozen...' type of posts that I see on here haha. I'm also...
  3. Red Leader

    Stem Bite-through Repairs - Glue Type and Color Matching?

    Title edited for caps and brevity. Please see Rule 9. -jpm. Original: What is your process for stem bite through repairs - glue type and color matching? Hello friends! I've done a few stem chew mark repairs and I'm not quite happy with them - I can do better, based on examples I've seen here...
  4. Red Leader

    Oom Paul/Hungarian Style Cob Clencher.

    Title edited for caps an brevity. See Rule 9. Original title: "Wanted a more bent / Oom Paul-ish corn cob clencher, but they don't make one..." I made one. This was bouncing around in my head for a while, and then when I stopped at the local tobacco shop and saw one of those Diplomat...
  5. Red Leader

    Shoutout to Greywoodie and the new Kaywoodies

    Hey guys - I'm new to the forum, and getting back into pipe smoking from about a 15 year hiatus as a relaxing, meditative, and reflective hobby. I've been doing a deep dive on vintage American pipes and have heard all about Kaywoodie. Upon my research, I found out they were still being made...
  6. Red Leader

    Vintage American Pipes

    G'day to you all - I've been doing a deep dive with regards to vintage (1960ish and older) American made pipes, and while of course been learning plenty about Grabow , Kaywoodie and MM, I'm curious about other brands I may not be aware of. I know of Willard in addition to those mentioned, but...
  7. Red Leader

    Howdy Folks!

    Howdy! I've been following this forum now for sometime as I have been 'discovering' some of the great old American pipes. Dabbled in pipe smoking back when I was a tad younger, and gotten back into it as a nice relaxation ritual now about 15 years later. I didn't stray very far with tobaccos...