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  1. BriarBrook

    Differences between Cringle Flake and Krampusnacht?

    So, I'm normally not a huge straight/dominant virginia fan, leaning more towards latakia and burley. That being said, I love Cringle Flake 2021... I've smoked it after aging a few months and I've smoked it after a couple of years. The smell of the bready/vinegary/fermented/tangy virginias is...
  2. BriarBrook

    U.K. Smoking Pipe Law... is this legal?

    So there is a pipe I have been after for quite some time. The only place I've been able to find it is in the UK. It is a reputable shop in North Yorkshire. I can't pay via CC due to regulations and I can't pay via wire transfer because my bank doesn't do international wires. IF I could find...
  3. BriarBrook

    Milwaukee, WI B&M

    Headed in this direction next week for a short vacation... Milwaukee/Green Bay/Door County. Any recommendations for a solid shop? thanks!
  4. BriarBrook

    Left Opened Tin of Cobblestone Vanilla Custard in my Jeep Over a Year

    And it tasted 100X better than when I smoked it fresh. The topping/tobacco left a weird brown stain on my fingers but OMG the room note and taste were out of this world. For reference, I live in North Missouri where temps get over 100° in the summer(with high humidity) and winters have...
  5. BriarBrook

    Lifespan of Pipe Smokers

    I have read most of the studies(or lack thereof) but would like to get a real world sample of pipe smokers. How many years have you smoked? How old are you? Do you have any health issues you believe stem from piping? I'm 42 years old, have been piping only a couple of years... no issues yet?
  6. BriarBrook

    Quick Smoke Tobaccos

    I know best practice is to go slow and easy, however, sometimes i only have a few minutes to get some puffs in... could anyone recommend tobaccos that you can really put the hammer down and puff away without getting torched? Maintaining flavor while being quick puffed would be an important...
  7. BriarBrook

    Bill's Blend from the Country Squire

    I am not good with reviews (I don't like saying or writing a lot of words) but I wanted to leave a quick one on this blend, it is just so good: I thought I had my vanilla in sutliff’s vanilla custard, however, this blend goes toe to toe. Much less goopy and over the top than VC, burns much...
  8. BriarBrook

    Please Help Identify a Flavor

    Relatively new piper here... only been going regularly for the last year or so. I am predominately an aro smoker. I do a lot of sutliff vanilla custard, lane very cherry, and other heavily cased chocolates. One thing I notice is that half way through, the taste converts to a noticeably nutty...