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  1. fishmansf

    Any Advice on Quitting Snus?

    Title edited. Please follow Rule 9. I’ve really enjoyed snus the last two years I’ve used it but have found that it’s pulled me away from pipe smoking which is my true love. Any advice on how to quit?
  2. fishmansf

    Cascadia Pipe Co. - Trailhead

    Well, this one seemed to somewhat open my taste back up, must have needed to switch up my routine. This is a wonderful blend, truly an all day smoke. Its a plug tobacco which typically isn't a favorite of mine but it cuts nicely into flakes or chunks. It is a very moist blend and needs a lot...
  3. fishmansf

    Chewable Plugs?

    I’ve read many different historical accounts of how sailors would take plugs with them to sea; if the weather was favorable, they’d put it in their pipes, if it was unfavorable, they’d throw some in their cheek. Are these plugs the same we have today or are these different kinds of plugs? If...
  4. fishmansf

    Suddenly Lost my Taste for Pipe Tobacco

    Title edited. See Rule 9 for title guidance. Not sure what happened. Im a regular pipe smoker and smoke about 6 blends exclusively. Nothing has changed in my smoking routine/patterns, same amount of dry time, same char light, same smoking pace, everything yet about a month ago, I just lost my...
  5. fishmansf

    C&D The Haunting

    This blend is the bomb. Everything that I love about cigars and Virginia leaf together in one with a dash of perique in the background (I know its in there, even though its not explicitly stated). I wish there was a blend that was regularly available like it because if there were I would smoke...
  6. fishmansf

    FS: IMP Lattice Bent Billiard with 9mm Silver Band 4.12.24

    Only 6 bowls through it and purchased a few weeks ago. Been limiting my smoking so cutting down on the collection. Bought for 460 asking 320 shipped.
  7. fishmansf

    Training Myself to Smoke Cooler

    Title edited. Rule 9. I’ve been pipe smoking for about six years. I still haven’t been able to train myself to smoke slow and cool and regularly give myself tongue bite. Most the time I don’t even realize I’m smoking hot. Any tips on how to train yourself to smoke cooler?
  8. fishmansf

    New IMP Coloring Progress

    Just acquired a new IMP lattice bend billiard. Going to use this as a coloring blog. Here it is, unsmoked with Elizabethan Mixture. Going to go on a little walk.
  9. fishmansf

    White Spots on Meerschaum- What?

    Context, I waxed my pipe a week or so ago and took the blowdryer to the pipe to get rid of some of the excess wax today. These white spots formed on the pipe. My guess is it’s areas where the wax has melted away from the surface either deeper into the pores of the meerschaum or where the wax...
  10. fishmansf

    Should I Pull the Plug on this Andreas Bauer?

    Currently the highest bidder at $125, thinking of going to 180 before dropping. It’s a 1978 AB with real amber stem and OG case. Is it worth it over a Tekin I’m looking at?
  11. fishmansf

    FS: Kraig Seder SederCraft Danish Freehand Artisan Pipe 2024 3/22/2024

    Kraig Seder SederCraft Danish Freehand Artisan Pipe crafted in 2024. Two bowls through it, smokes amazing! Transitioning to entirely meerschaum collection and thinning out my briars. 255 shipped
  12. fishmansf

    Nicotine or Relaxation?

    Title abbreviated. Capitals added. See Rule 9. Original: "Do you smoke a pipe for the nicotine or for the relaxing routine of pipe smoking?" Title says it all!
  13. fishmansf

    Studies on Pipe and Cigar smokers - Inconsistent!?

    Title abreviated and capitalized. Original: Why do health studies on pipe and cigar smokers have such wildly different results? I am getting my graduate degree in Data Science so I tend to nerd out of research articles around topics that interest me. I have read nearly ten articles on the...
  14. fishmansf

    Converting Push Tenon to Spigot?

    Does anyone know who provides a service to convert a push tenon billiard to a spigot style?
  15. fishmansf

    March Meerschaum Madness!

    I am just waiting for Warren to come in here and ruin the fun 😂. What pipes are you smoking for March Meerschaum Madness 2024? Post your color progress here!
  16. fishmansf

    Why do English/Balkan Blends Burn so Well?

    Title edited for caps and brevity. Original: "Why do English/Balkan blends burn so smoothly and evenly compared to other blends?" I haven't smoked a single English/Balkan blend that I haven't been able to smoke to the bottom of the bowl. No tongue bite, no overheating, just a solid tasty...
  17. fishmansf

    Advice on Nasal Snuff

    I just started using nasal snuff, something my wife is surprisingly okay with to supplement my pipe smoking. My first snuff was Gawith Apricot Menthol. I cannot figure out how to take it. I am not snorting it, just gently sniffing with my nose as if I was smelling roses yet for some reason...
  18. fishmansf

    Growing and Blending Tobacco: Questions

    I am planting my first round of seeds. I have a variety, many for cigars, cigarettes, snus and pipe tobacco. For those of you who have grown and blended your own tobacco, how did it turn out and what sort of blending did you do to make tasty blends?
  19. fishmansf

    Does Tsuge have a storefront?

    Traveling to Japan this next month and would love to dip my toe in the Japanese pipe scene. I would love to get a Tsuge pipe from the source but I am not sure if they have a storefront. Also am open to any other pipe smoking sights I should go to while I am there.
  20. fishmansf

    How Long Have You Smoked a Pipe?

    Title edited for capitalization. Please see Rule 9. To save everyone the trouble, it's pretty much that everything should be capitalized except articles and most 2-3 letter words. How long have you been smoking a pipe and at what age did you start? What made you choose pipe smoking?