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  1. DeerparkDays

    Pipe Tobacco at International Airports.

    Hello to you all. Firstly, I hope you are all keeping well and you are enjoying life. I get a great help with tips and tricks off here, and aside from that I enjoy reading what you guys post and the communal spirit is excellent. I know some of you quite well now and that’s great! Mum and Dad...
  2. DeerparkDays

    Tight stem.

    Hey guys, I bought an old Loewe that I’m very happy with, but the stem is very very tight in the shank. The pipe is so small I’m really worried that I’ll break it at some stage, any tips or tricks to get a better fit? Many thanks.
  3. DeerparkDays

    Fairly new from NZ

    Hello all, I have been here for a few months and realised I have not introduced myself…..yeah totally rude I know!!! I’m Adam, an Irishman living in New Zealand. Married with two young lads, 2 and 4. I “*work” on the railway here and consider myself a career railwayman. (*None of us actually do...