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72 Fresh Nørding Pipes
5 Fresh Brighton James Pipes
3 Fresh Bill Shalosky Pipes
New Accessories
9 Fresh Ser Jacopo Pipes

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  1. Sparcdude

    What The Heck?

    So I knocked my pipe to clear it out, and this came out. Very weird and, I must say, perfectly shaped! Anyone ever seen this before?
  2. Sparcdude

    Seniors And Technology Get A Bad Rap

    I saw something in another forum recently where the poster was saying that "Grandma and Grandpa will get confused over using text messaging and posting", or words to that effect. I was somewhat - make that very - offended by that. Just because you're at a certain age (I'm staying away from the...
  3. Sparcdude

    Greetings From Cow, er, New Hampshire

    Hello there! I've been a long time lurker. Thought long and hard about making myself known, but I figured what the heck... Been a pipe smoker off and on for <mumble> years. Just quit the coffin nails recently, and am doing more pipe and cigar smoking (don't tell my physician)l I'm a principal...