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3 Fresh Scottie Piersel Pipes
9 Fresh Claudio Cavicchi Pipes
24 Fresh Rattray's Pipes
30 Fresh Chacom Pipes
36 Fresh AKB Meerschaum Pipes

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  1. Pipeh

    School me on Nicotiana Persica

    I was looking at "London Bridge Is Falling Down", illustrated by Peter Spier, and there is an illustration of a tobacco shop (CA 18th century?) and there is a big jar marked "Nicotiana Persica" (along with jars marked Rappee, Java, Rustica, etc.) Wikipedia has an article on Nicotiana alata...
  2. Pipeh

    Trouble Contacting Synjeco

    I've been trying to call Synjeco in order to complete an order, but I can't seem to connect. I am wondering if it's something wrong on my end (maybe I'm making the international call incorrectly, or something). I tried to send an email, but didn't receive a response. Can anyone else confirm...
  3. Pipeh

    How to store small spun cut coins intact?

    What's a good way of storing spun cut coins like 3 nuns or Roll Cake in such a way that the coins stay nicely laid out? Should I just leave them in the tin and put the tin in a mylar bag?
  4. Pipeh

    Ember Size when Smoking Slowly?

    How big should the ember be of one is trying to smoke slowly? If I'm relighting my pipe after it goes out, I find it smokes more reliably if I keep the fire on for about 2 to 5 seconds, trying to spread the flame over the whole surface of the tobacco. But although I try to smoke slowly, (I...
  5. Pipeh

    Shape Name for a Reverse-canted Bowl?

    Title edited for caps and brevity. Original: "Is there a shape name for a reverse-canted bowl w straight stem?" I have a few pipes that have a slight forward cant, like a cutty or zulu kind of shape. And if I smoke while working on something with my head facing downward, the bowl opening can...
  6. Pipeh

    Hello from Southern California

    Hi Everyone, I'm an infrequent pipe smoker for about 3 years. Still exploring different types of tobacco, but I gravitate towards englishes, burleys, and things with kentucky fire-cured leaf. Lately have been branching out to light aromatics. I'm struggling with a strong case of TAD, where for...