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  1. Pooh-Bah


    My buddy's lady friend believes that I should start wearing cologne. Now, I am a cheapskate, and am already buying pipe tobacco. Which smells good. So I mean to try my hand at making manly fragrance, by infusing tobacco into oils. Any reccs for a fine, manly tobacco aroma to woo the ladies...
  2. Pooh-Bah

    Mold Check

    I got some white and/or off-colored spots here in my tin of Byzantium. Pray tell me, resident experts: Are these flecks of flavor, or flecks of gross danger?
  3. Pooh-Bah

    Gardening Talk

    It's garden time in my neck of the woods, I don't think I see a thread about gardening. Let's make one. What're y'all growing? First year with the new garden, and I've got like twenty total square feet of miscellaneous beds that I don't know what to do with.
  4. Pooh-Bah

    Fractured Fairy Tales - Pied Piper

    I was recently watching through all the old Fractured Fairy Tales cartoons, and chance at my delight when I happened upon this one. "Once upon a time there was a Pied Piper. He was called a Pied Piper for two very good reasons. One, he smoked a pipe, and Two, by some method known only to him...
  5. Pooh-Bah

    Real Bad at Lighting Cigars

    Got some of those nice fancy long matches. Rotate the cigar near the flame while puffing on it to draw heat and maybe some fire to kiss the tobacco. This is what I end up with most of the time. Is there some mystical secret technique, am I doing things entirely wrong. or do I just need more...
  6. Pooh-Bah

    Meer Shank Crack

    My friends, behold the source of my anguish. I've got a crack in the shank of my meerschaum. Probably from not holding the shank properly during disassembly. Yesterday it was only this big. Having had the brilliant idea to put the stem back in it for another picture, the crack is now THIS...
  7. Pooh-Bah

    Howdy from Technically The South

    I had considered titling the thread "Greetings from Ancient Japan", and doing my darndest to deliver it in-character as my operatic namesake. Decided against it, too much effort for not enough reward. But, yes. I'm 30, been a pipe smoker for a year and some change - started with a basket briar...