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  1. DeaconPiper

    Tongue Bite from Snuff? And, Can It be Dangerous?

    Title edited for caps. and moved from Pipe Questions to General. Good evening, gentlemen - - Since October, I've gotten into the wonderful hobby of snuff. My experiences have been very, very positive. So many 'journeys' to explore with the various recipes. However, I seem to suffer tongue...
  2. DeaconPiper

    Birthday Presents to Yourself

    Gentlemen, what tobacco related treats do you want for your next birthday? Me, I turn 44 years old Friday, Oct. 27th. I'll be grabbing my first Peterson, a rusticated Pub pipe and have myself a bowl of Ten Russians. In the meantime, I also received my first (ever) batch of nasal snuff. What a...
  3. DeaconPiper

    Washington State events

    Good evening! Knowing the state of Washington, I assume we don't have many, if any, pipe shows or conventions here or nearby. Maybe Idaho? Anyone hear otherwise?
  4. DeaconPiper

    Thank You, Community

    A big, heartfelt thank you to this community. I left piping twenty years ago. It was among my favorite hobbies outside writing and travel. When I returned after a long hiatus, after an extremely difficult past year, life took on a much different note. Piping has helped me relax with great...
  5. DeaconPiper

    Greetings from Washington State!

    Greetings from Ellensburg, Washington! First piped tobacco twenty years ago but forgot about the hobby until a couple months ago. I've been collecting piper art since we moved onto the farm, and my father mailed some pipes I remember him piping when I was a little boy in Upstate New York. So...