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  1. OwlTellYa

    Tobacco Quality

    I am curious: are there tobacco brands that are known for sourcing higher quality tobacco? Or is it basically the same quality across brands and the difference is in how they treat it/blend it/etc?
  2. OwlTellYa

    Further explorations of Latakia

    I’m not a fan of Latakia. When I mentioned this on this site, several folks made recommendations of blends with Latakia that might be better tests. I’ve now tried several such blends (ranging from mild to medium Latakia), and thus far there is only one brand that I like. Seattle Pipe Club’s...
  3. OwlTellYa

    Comfort Food Tobaccos

    I have been smoking a pipe for about 10 months now, and I have tried many different tobaccos. I know now a good bit more about what I might be looking for in a tobacco, and this forum has helped a lot with that. Right now, I think I am looking for a "comfort food" tobacco. Lately I have been...
  4. OwlTellYa

    Watch City Va/Pers

    Can someone give me a comparison of the Watch City Va/Pers? I just got some R&B, but I only got a little since I hadn’t tried it. I really like it! But, of course, it’s a limited release. So I was wondering how their others compared. The only other of theirs I have tried is the a Rouxgaroux...
  5. OwlTellYa


    I am restoring an older Stanwell, and it's looking really good so far. The pipe came to me caked in black and quite sour. I've gotten the exterior clean and shiny, but I am having difficulty getting the sourness out of it. What I discovered is that the bowl is deeper than the reamer I am using...
  6. OwlTellYa


    I would love to sit with an experienced pipe restorer and learn from them. The online write-ups are useful, but there’s nothing like the hands-on experience. I don’t know of a pipe club near me or I would ask. And it seems to be rude to ask a B&M to teach me, since it’s their business. (“Please...
  7. OwlTellYa

    Invisible crack

    I purchased a Kriswill estate pipe from eBay for cheap. It looked to be in rough condition, although there were no obvious problems with it—looked like it needed a deep, deep cleaning, which I enjoy doing. When I did salt and alcohol in the bowl overnight, I came back the next day to discover a...
  8. OwlTellYa


    I have been smoking a pipe for a little over six months now, and I have been trying lots of blends to see what I like. Early on I tried Elizabethan, and I liked it but it didn’t wow me. So I didn’t explore any other perique blends. Until now. I got my delivery of Watch City Rouxgaroux, and it...
  9. OwlTellYa

    White Elephant Filters in a Missouri Meerschaum Cob

    I bought the White Elephant 6mm filters from the Missouri Meerschaum website, figuring they would fit the cobs they sell. I have two cobs - the Great Dane and another of the same size but I forget the name. The filters seem slightly too large for the pipe--they won't fit into the stem. Any tips...
  10. OwlTellYa

    Blending Blends

    Do you have a favorite blend of commercial blends? I am new to all of this and am just playing around with stuff. I recently made a blend that I really like. It’s 1/3 Davidoff Red, 1/3 Sutliff Whiskey Cavendish, and 1/3 a local burley blend (Park Lane Fireside). I topped it with a little...
  11. OwlTellYa

    Opening Cellared Jars

    I have a question that has probably been answered here but I didn’t find it with a search. If I have jarred tobacco that I want to age, should I leave the jar closed for the full time, or is it okay to open the jar, smoke a bowl or two, and put it back in the closet?
  12. OwlTellYa

    Another Nicotine Question

    I’m a new pipe smoker (about 3 months or so) and still learning. I saw another thread about nicotine buzz, but I had an experience tonight that I am trying to make sense of. I smoked a bowl of Mac Baren Mixture Modern after work today. Packed it the same as usual and I am working at keeping a...
  13. OwlTellYa

    Mac Baren Mixture Modern

    I know Mixture is available in bulk. Is Mixture Modern?
  14. OwlTellYa


    I bought a few estate pipes for cheap at a pipe show yesterday to practice on. The guy threw this one in for free when I pointed out the crack. It’s an old Kaywoodie that clearly has had a lot of use. I’m curious—what might you do for a crack like this (if anything). Near as I can tell, the...
  15. OwlTellYa

    First restoration

    I bought a Chacom Festival Rhodesian (815) from eBay for cheap, and I attempted my first restoration. I didn’t take “before” photos myself, but here are the shots from eBay: The stem was completely browned with oxidation, and while the rest looked okay it seemed cloudy with patina. After a lot...
  16. OwlTellYa


    I’m still learning what I like in a tobacco blend, but I’m beginning to think I don’t like Latakia. I’ve tried blends with more (Larry’s Blend) and less (Early Morning Pipe), and had similar displeasure with each. I do like the Early Morning Blend except for what I think is the Latakia flavor...
  17. OwlTellYa

    Estate Pipe Acquisitions

    I recently purchased a walnut pipe rack from a guy locally, and the sale included his dad's old pipes. There were several old cob pipes, some from Irvin S. Cobb (H&B). Others need restoration and/or a deep cleaning, but my favorite piece was a Celius Bishop (12) Freehand pipe, images below. The...
  18. OwlTellYa

    Pipe style

    I am still learning about different pipe styles. What style is this pipe? I tried to get it on eBay but lost. But I like the look of it—what should I search for to find a similar shape if not the same brand?
  19. OwlTellYa

    Whiskey Cavendish

    I’ve tried a number of tobaccos (Early Morning, My Mixture 965, Captain Black (white and dark), Cult Blood Red Moon, 1Q, and some blends from a local store), but the one I keep coming back to is the Sutliff Whiskey Cavendish. It’s the most pleasant smoke to me. In the second and third spots...
  20. OwlTellYa

    New York City

    I will be in NYC for a few days for a work thing. The hotel is tobacco free. Where do you go to smoke a pipe?