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  1. obc83

    New Tin of Prince Albert, With a Surprise...

    Title edited for capitals. Please understand Rule 9. Have smoked a couple bowls since yesterday and am definitely enjoying it, I'm starting to recognize the cocoa scent when I open the tin. I just posted in "What are you smoking Nov" feeling great about my purchase. Unfortunately, I just went...
  2. obc83

    Question about Prince Albert

    There's one canister of PA at my local shop, I want to grab it but I keep hesitating. What does it taste like? For some reason I have it in mind that it's close to Half n Half, which would be great, but don't want to spend the 30ish bucks if it's something I won't like. Thanks
  3. obc83

    Cavalryman with a meer, I think

    Just a short video of a Napoleonic Hussar, you can see his pipe in a few impressions.
  4. obc83

    Sleeper Favorite

    I think I'm turning a corner in my race to codger-dom pipe smoking where I am starting to really notice the difference in a well made pipe. I am building a decent little collection -nothing over a hundred dollars- but I instinctively grab certain pipes for specific circumstances and any time I...
  5. obc83

    Quick Sunday Morning Cob Mod.

    I think this was a "Let Freedom Ring" Missouri Meerschaum model. Generally I prefer pipes in the 5 to 5.75" range and this one sitting at just over six was bothering me. Chopped around 3/4 of an inch and set the filter back about a 1/4. I wish they made a shorter Danish bit. I'd like to do...
  6. obc83

    Lacking in the packing?

    Picked up a pouch of Half n Half recently and am thoroughly enjoying it. Pairing nicely with coffee and a clipboard, it has mostly supplanted Nutty Irishman as my morning smoke. More evidence, I suppose, of my pallette opening up to new and better things. Or whatever. One problem though; I can't...
  7. obc83

    Permanent Matches?

    I've always been intrigued by these, especially the ones marketed as a "survival" tool. I'm a sucker for the concept in general. Anyway, why don't many pipe smoker seem to use these? Is it the fuel taste? I know some people dislike Zippos for that reason. Others however, swear by them...
  8. obc83

    Is this a Peterson?

    I contacted the seller and he says there are no markings. Could this be a copy?
  9. obc83

    Bashing away at some vulcanite.

    Trying out some vulcanite "restoration" tonight. Chasing Embers suggested I get a magic eraser and a manicure block. I went with this stick version instead. Not enough experience to know if it was the right move but they seem pretty much disposable anyway. Right now I'm just using those tools...
  10. obc83

    Morning Pocket Dump

    Was trying to get to the lumberyard early this morning but right now I'm waiting on one of the dogs I'm sitting to get his brain unstuck. He was little street rat so it's like fifty first dates with this guy. He's settling into a decent 10' stare down this morning so, progress. But I must have...
  11. obc83

    Degrees of Clean, Meerschaum

    Is there any way to de-color meerschaum? I read a forum post (can't remember if it was here or not) where the poster was discussing the removal of some really stubborn grime in an estate meer. After a titanic struggle he ends up soaking it in olive oil on an offhand suggestion from his wife...
  12. obc83


    Got this on ebay for 15 bucks out the door. And the guy must have shipped it on ludicrous speed because I was very much not expecting it today. The stamping reads "Meerbowl" above "Imported Briar" Despite it just being a lined bowl, it's my first meer anything so I'm stoked. Looks very lightly...
  13. obc83

    New Rossi and a question.

    Just got a package with a new Rossi Mezzanotte 8806. It's sort of a short lumberman. This is my first new pipe besides a Morgan Bones, some Grabows and a few MM's. It's beautiful. And since I like it so much, I'm overthinking. So my question is; judging by the search results, the general...
  14. obc83

    First non-filter?

    Don't know if anyone else is listening to the radio show tonight but there was a question in the mail section asking for suggestions on a first unfiltered pipe. I'm starting to think about it too. The host suggested either a Savinelli or a Peterson Donegal Rocky. I'm probably going to wait...
  15. obc83

    Found a rich vein of Grabows

    This may not be as exciting to some as it is to me, but there you have it. As far as I have seen, and I spend way too much time looking; this is the most Grabows in one place that I have yet found. Just put in an order. Will post my experience in due time.
  16. obc83

    Custom questions...

    This might be a stupid question so please bear with me; how do you guys go about asking for a custom or semi-custom pipe. Is there specifc makers that offer this as a service or will most established artisans oblige? Furthermore, there's a couple specific shapes out there that either aren't easy...
  17. obc83

    Spoiled for choice...

    I'm not sure if it's just the last remnants of youthful FOMO(fear of missing out) rehydrating, but holy hell is there a lot to learn. I developed the pipe smoking habit at 39, and at 40 I have yet to scratch the surface. Wet weather here today, so while surfing the web, I stumbled across the YT...
  18. obc83

    Ideal tamper design?

    Working on a couple designs here and was hoping I could prevail upon some of you to post either pictures or descriptions of what you consider a perfect tamper. Honestly, I'm still trying figure out if it really matters but I do kind of feel that like something, maybe a little wider than the...
  19. obc83

    H.I.S. Bent Apple

    Got this locally for $35 bucks. Pretty nice. For posterity, source smokingpipes dot com: "An acronym for Hugo International Series, the H.I.S. brand is a seconds line crafted by Gardesana..."
  20. obc83

    Painted Briars

    Anyone know what they might have used to paint some of these 'vintage' briars? Seems like it was a short-lived concept, but my lizard brain sometimes likes it. Kind of considering buying this one or this other white Cuban one another seller has. Thanks.