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  1. topd

    Savinelli's Doblone d 'Oro

    I have been absent for some time, but came over to see if there was any discussion about Doblone d'Oro yet. None yet I see, but there will be soon. No, I haven't had any yet either, but I just ordered 5 tins....
  2. topd

    A Litte More About Meerschaums....

    When ever I see questions in the forum about meerschaum pipes I always kinda hang back and wait for the experts, like Fred to give an answer. I know a few things only from years of experience of handling them but I'm certainly not the guy to go to for the answers.... I've been smoking pipes...
  3. topd

    Ashton - Artisan's Blend...

    I've been smoking a Virginia/Burly blend in a cob most of the day working in the shop, but wanted something new. Looked at what was open and didn't realize I had 5 different flake tobacco's to choose from. Went to the cellar and found a tin of English that's been resting not to long, but since...
  4. topd

    From Turkey - Direct

    Several of you in past remarks have voiced your apprehension or reluctance to order pipes directly from sellers in Turkey. This is by no means an advertisement, but a vote of confidence for the Turkish sellers as a whole. I've dealt with a few and as of yet, have had no problems. I've been lucky...
  5. topd

    It Was Bound To Happen....!

    I've had pipes around me since '72 and bought my first meerschaum in '75. I may have around 140 or so now... and I've always been a stickler for being easy with them and having a good place to set them down. OCD... I have to have my surroundings just right before I even take a pipe out of it's...
  6. topd

    Have Had My Hands Full..... (Pic Heavy!)

    Hey Guys....! I've never wanted to admit I've been to busy for my friends, but that's kinda what's been going on for several months. Thought I'd check-in and bring Ya up to date. I've been getting ready to renovate my Mom's old home place to move over there. I told June that I needed a good...
  7. topd

    Long Lost Piper......

    I'm home with a sore thumb and back, so took time to holler at my friends. I have not dropped off the edge of the earth, just getting ready to move. With June and I living alone the last 12 years or so, we have decided we didn't need five bedrooms anymore, so I've been rebuilding/remodeling my...
  8. topd

    I Wasn't True To My Word.....

    I said earlier that I wasn't going to buy any more pipes this year, but I caved! A new Baki with gold plated silver rim cap and stem ring. It goes pretty well with my older one that is similar.
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    An Old Bag Learns A New Trick....

    This is an old camera bag I carry on the lake with me. It's great to throw over my shoulder when my hands are full....
  10. topd

    So, You Have Better Things To Do.....

    I have no idea why I've been avoiding coming here.... Things going on in the family I guess. My life has always been blessed and perfect. I seldom get a wrench thrown in the cogs... but have recently. I have to apologize for not being around as I was before.... Things are better now. TopD
  11. topd

    Meerschaum Photo's....

    June made me come home from the lake to get the taxes ready and start mowing... Well, it's raining like hell so mowing is out (as is the golf course), but I did get the taxes going... Thought I'd photo some of my pipes which I did about a year ago.... I have three estate meerschaums which...
  12. topd

    My "White Whale" Pipe....

    We did a thread not long ago asking what was your White Whale? I finally snagged mine, a 1954 Dunhill. "My birth year pipe". It's an ODA 835 Rootbriar. It's about a size group 7, 6 3/4" long. I like large pipes and this one is a Babe! (You can't tell I'm proud of it can you?)
  13. topd

    Three Two Many....

    If I didn't learn but one thing this week, it was not to try and restore more than one pipe at a time, it's to much work. I've kinda been on a Dunhill kick lately and overloaded a bit.... 1980 Bruyere 1986 Tan County with Cumberland Stem 1969 Shell Briar Billiard 1960 Shell Briar BullDog
  14. topd

    This May Sound Crazy, But.......

    June and I have gotten used to, and spoiled on premium coffee's for the last few years. We order from Gevalia, I know, I know.... one of the worst 'spam mail' distributors out there. But I try to ignore that as they really do have some good coffee's. She likes their French Vanilla and I lean...
  15. topd

    Remember Those That Gave All....

    My grandfather, Chief Petty Officer James F. Marron was at Pearl Harbor during the Japanese attack on Sunday morning, 7 December, 1941.... 71 years ago today. He wasn't injured and was assigned supervision of a crew that was collecting personal effects that were washing ashore in the harbor...
  16. topd

    eBay Dunhill...

    I have a novices education about Dunhills, but need some help on this one. The gold band on this pipe seems to cover some of the stamp/writing on the pipe, which doesn't look just right. I'm open to your ideas please...... Thanks in advance...
  17. topd

    Dunhill 4103

    I won an auction on eBay and the pipe just came home. An '84 Dunhill Cumberland with gold bands. I absolutely fell in love with this pipe when I saw it on-line and had to have it. The color is a light brown matching the Cumberland stem just perfectly. I usually give an estate pipe the royal...
  18. topd

    The Little Shop on the Square...

    While visiting Texas last month I came across a small B&M in San Marcos. 'Hill Country Humidor' is right on the square down town. A very 'down home' place to visit with people smoking pipes and cigars, sitting on benches and sofa's just as you walk in the door. You could tell it had been there...
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    How I Started Smoking.... And You?

    The young Gal across the road (she was about 13, I was 11) had a pack of cigarettes and we ended up in her Mom's utility room smoking. My Pop smoked and that started me sneaking packs from him. He keeped a carton under the seat of his truck and I took them all the time. He never noticed as far...
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    Another Long Lost Pipe

    About a week ago I was cleaning up my old hunting truck to get ready for the season and found a pipe I haven't seen in quit a while. It was tucked away under the seat with some leather gloves. I still have my last 3 new trucks, an '84 Chevy, a '98 GMC and an '11 Silverado. The pipe was in the...