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  1. zack24

    Finally Enjoying A Pipe Again...

    After my major lung surgery in December, I've really avoided smoke and dust to try to give my left lung a chance to recover- it's finally back to normal... Enjoyed a great afternoon with Pembroke in one of my Mortas yesterday. Actually got in some shop time to enlarge the chamber on a couple of...
  2. zack24

    Restoring a Dragon Claw Meerschaum...

    After spending the past 10 weeks in recovery from my illness, lung surgery, and other assorted good times, I finally felt like getting back to the shop. My victim for this session was really a challenge- It was what I guess to be a late 1800's Meer with a fragment of the amber stem and bone...
  3. zack24

    A Little Happiness From 2nd Hand Smoke....

    Guys, it's been driving me crazy- I've had a serious issue with pneumonia and major lung surgery that's dragged on for months...and resulted in absolutely no smoking and no pipe making due to the dust. I'm in the recovery mode now, returned to training on my indoor bike trainer, and back to...
  4. zack24

    Rumors Of My Demise Have Been Greatly Exaggerated....

    Thought I would share one of the weirdest health stories that's been causing me a bit of a nightmare for months. I guess maybe 9 months ago, I had a mild dry cough- no big deal, was going to wait until my normal annual to see my Doc. We went to the pipe show in Chicago, same cough and was...
  5. zack24

    Beers, Ribs, & Pipes With The Family...

    Now this was interesting- Greta and I have been together for over 10 years and my oldest son Brian and her oldest son Jack have never met. Both doing well in their lives- Brian just returned from Hawaii serving as a Mandarin linguistics analyst for the Air Force and Jack with a very successful...
  6. zack24

    I’m A Lousy Lifeguard...

    A good weekend- had the grandkids- went inshore fishing with the 9 year old Gio. Caught 5 trout, a Spanish Mackerel, and Triple Tail that we blackened on a cast iron skillet in the Big Green Egg..Today, I’m being the perfect lifeguard except for the fact I’m drinking beer and smoking a pipe. I...
  7. zack24

    High in the Andes...

    No, I mean it- we’re really, really high...around 11,400’ to be specific in Cusco...Went to Lima last weekend for a family wedding with Greta and have been in Cusco for 4 days. It’s a bit challenging- 64% of the oxygen at this altitude compared to Sarasota Fl. Finally recovered enough this...
  8. zack24

    Feeling Froggy Tonight....

    Scored 3 nice tins of Frog Morton-even with stupid Florida taxes running the price to $41 a tin, thought it was fair. The wild card was the CORPS Vanilla Ice...I have 23 tins of that on hold- strictly a tobacco for me to buy and sell- I’m not an aero guy. Not sure if the market would bear...
  9. zack24

    OK...There's PAD...and TAD...But I have Got It BAD

    ...otherwise known as Briar Acquisition Disorder...Just had these guys hit the mailbox- 3 Large Mimmo GradeII...and 1 Extra Large Makis from Greece...I'm working on something special for Harris that needs some pretty amazing grain, and this is the only way to do it- buy a few, sand them and see...
  10. zack24

    A Morta Munchin' Fiend...

    I'm known for making the occasional pipe, but I also apparently make really tasty doggy treats...I sold this pipe a few weeks ago to a great guy on the West Coast and didn't hear anything after it arrived- I finally got the gory details this weekend. He smoked the pipe one time- probably with...
  11. zack24

    How to Destroy a Pipe in 17 Pictures or Less

    I've been saving a piece of nice block Meerschaum for 3 years. Paid $50 for it in Chicago from Steve Norse...and this stuff is really hard to get. You can't import the raw material from Turkey, I suspect this is African Meerschaum. So, I finally launch into it....I'm very limited by the width of...
  12. zack24

    Rhinoceros Beetle With Morta, Mastodon and Black Bamboo

    Been doign a lot of traditional shapes lately, so decided to change it up a bit...This was an interesting variation on a Scarab shape I've done...Came in at around 56 grams- surprisingly light for the size....This one is going to Chicago... (man, it seems like I'm getting in a lot of shop time...
  13. zack24

    What a Great Combination!

    So tonight, stirred up a nice Old Fashioned with Rye, 3 Chile simple syrup, bitters, and black cherries..:For the pipe- a maybe 1895 Meershaum Cutty I just restored loaded with Stonehaven Flake...and for the climax- 2 huge Porterhouse steaks seared to perfection on the Big Green Egg..some...
  14. zack24

    Final Results on My Meerschaum Refurb...

    This was the $20 stummel I picked up on EBay the other day and got some good suggestions on stems shapes to use. It proved to be interesting- I think the silver plated ferrule contained a bone screw on the original stem- no trace of that remained and the base of the ferrule was so far gone, it...
  15. zack24

    Meerschaum Identity?

    Another auction pickup last week- came in without any identifying marks or stem...The big challenge is that the sterling cap has a lip- partially broken. There is about .7” deep hollow from that rim to where the meerschaum shank begins. The only thing I can figure is that there was a female...
  16. zack24

    CPF Meerschaum Restoration

    This one came in yesterday... Just a light cleanup made a big difference...
  17. zack24

    A Really Bad Pipe Listing

    This was one of the worst descriptions I've seen in a while "Antique/Vintage CPF Best Make Smoking Pipe, Gold, Bakelite or Lucite Mouth" It looks like what I bought is a Meerschaum with Redmanol Stem and Gold Band probably from right around 1900...which is a little confusing, because I didn't...
  18. zack24

    A Bulldog for Christmas...

    Finished most of the work yesterday...a nice relaxing day...Tried something a little different instead of the traditional diamond shank...Thought it came out fairly nice...A subtle black and red stain, an unusual Cumberland color from SEM...and a little Mastodon for contrast....
  19. zack24

    Meershaum Cutty Just Arrived!

    This one just arrived yesterday- In quite nice shape- stem overclocks about a quarter turn. I think I remember seeing something on here about removing a bone screw and resetting it- that may not be possible in this case because the stem screws on the shank...meaing I would have to break the glue...
  20. zack24

    Just Finished- Morta Author With Hot Rod Stem...

    This was fairly interesting- a small Author with some really unusual stem material from SEM in Germany- every year in Chicago, they have some limited run rod stock- I thought this was a very unusual color combination- kinda reminded me of a 1950s Mercury Hot Rod with a Flame Paint Job (but then...