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  1. didimauw

    Two Hundred Dollars?!?

    Maybe I'm a cheapskate. Ok I know I am. But my 50 dollar pipes have such a clean tight fit. Saw the ad on the banner to the left, and gave it a look. This is the actual pipe that they are using for the Ad....This makes me shy away from paying more for pipes.... I'm just bored....
  2. didimauw

    My Astas Meerschaum Progression

    Bowl Zero Bowl 25 Cake
  3. didimauw

    Current SOTC

    I've been thinking about my collection for months now. Now I'm stuck home with COVID, I can get a better look at things. Trying to finish off my empty slots here. My meers. --Need one more Not sure what to call this section. It was 3 Punto Oros, but I sold my apple. I think I'm reserving this...
  4. didimauw

    Show us Your Pipe/Tobacco/Accessory Trays!

    What do you use for drying/cutting/preparing your tobacco? I have a magnetic tray, that folds in half for....transportation? I guess. But I'm looking for something different. Mine has a spot for a jar, filters, pipe cleaners, etc. But It's by a company that's for "Discreet smoking". Going to...
  5. didimauw

    Show off Your Smoking Rooms!

    Man cave, she shed, whatever you call it. Big changes are happening in my world, and one of them is to make myself some sort of smoking area in/at my house. Haven't decided if I build a room in my basement, or enclose one of my two porches. I'm looking for some ideas! No more wind, or cold...
  6. didimauw

    How Many of you are Divorced?

    Today the wife and I came to the agreement that if we are to stay best friends, that divorce is the only option. Everything will be extremely civil, like seriously great, you don't even understand how wonderful she is and will continue to be, and we will both be much happier. We explained it to...
  7. didimauw

    Found out a Friend is a Pipe Smoker!

    He's an old friend from high school that I see occasionally, maybe 5 or 6 times a year. We met up with him and another friend so our kids could go trick or treating. When we got to his house, I saw him walking around failing this round metal object, that looked almost like a tin of pipe...
  8. didimauw

    3,650 days.

    That is all.
  9. didimauw

    Another Package from Turkey

    After months of waiting, I finally got it. A classic straight billiard meer, and my commissioned tamper, from Mustafa at Astas Meerschaum. First the pipe. Drilling is as perfect as it gets. Pictured above is the bowl, through the stem hole. And now the "piece de resistance" whatever...
  10. didimauw

    Amber Stems Could Be So Much Better.

    I wonder how many amber stems started out looking like this one.....
  11. didimauw

    Mini Tobacco Tins

    Found these on Amazon. A 9 pack for under 8 bucks. Should work nicely for a few bowls worth, or 2 to 3 flakes folded in half. Hinged lids snap closed really secure.
  12. didimauw

    My New Tobacco Jar.

    Found at a thrift store for a couple bucks. Trying to make my pipe and tobacco area more presentable. This will be for my Old Joe Krantz. This means that OJK has made it to the next step of my every day blends. No more mason jars for it. It'll get dried 4 to 6 oz at a time, ready to smoke...
  13. didimauw

    Jiminks 3000th Tobacco Review!

    He made it! Definetly put some miles on those pipes! Jim, What was your favorite blend to review? Was there any that changed halfway through the smoke? Any you had a really hard time figuring out? Are there any blends you haven't but look forward to reviewing? Congrats!!!
  14. didimauw

    Just for Fun

    So I "inherited" a bunch of my dad and grandpa's "buck trophies" over the years. And due to lack of space I have slowly been cutting them for the dogs to enjoy. Smaller racks with little significance. I have joked about making a plaque for my two pipes I did a whole year with. As I lopped...
  15. didimauw

    Any Meerschaum Pipe Case Makers in The U.S?

    I thought it wouldn't bother me as much, as my new meer came with a nice leather bag. However I'm really starting to wish it had a hard case for it. Is there anyone in the U.S. that makes cases for meers? I could do something like a sunglasses case, or even just keep it in a leather...
  16. didimauw

    Didimauw's One Meer for One Year Redemption. 12/15/2022

    As many of you know, I failed in my first attempt. Too many different variables and excuses to list. This time should go much differently. I have a lot more experience with meers, and they are all I've been smoking for the past 3 or 4 months at this point. At the end of my last thread I had...
  17. didimauw

    Show off Your Meerschaum Claws Here!

    Figured we should have a thread grouping them all together...for the sake of the forum. And maybe I'm itching for one really bad, and this may help prevent me from buying another meer. 🙄
  18. didimauw

    The Meers wont Stop.

    Another one from Mustafa at AstasMeerschaum pipes. I contacted him about a small chip in the button of my commission I had him make. It appeared after 3 smokes. After a few messages back and forth, He told me that the stem was made out of Polyester, and they can get damaged easily. He agreed to...
  19. didimauw

    New Commission Heading My Way.

    And I didn't even plan on it. Asked the seller if he had any straight billiards, as I don't have one in a meer yet. (There is an obvious language barrier, but he does pretty well with his English.) I gave him the specs I was looking for at the price I was willing to spend and he said "yes of...
  20. didimauw

    My Cheap No-name Meer

    Bought it from MeerschaumMarket a few months ago. I smoked it for 30 bowls straight, and noticed its coloring strangely. I don't want to assume it's translucent, but I haven't seen "coloring" like this. Right at the connection between stem and shank, is see through. But it looks like it was...