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  1. U

    What do you Think about Mesh Balls?

    Title edited, caps, and to give the subject. -jpm Ok so I get a lot of dottle in my pipes so have been recommended to try these little mesh balls. Anyone had any experience with them?
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    So I Finally Crumbled and Did It!

    So nothing special. Cheap but no tongue bite. No idea what this brand is. Paid about £25 for it
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    So I Finally Crumbled and Did It!

    Title edited. -jpm So it's finally happend I've finally decided to buy a filter pipe. Sick of tired of all the cleaning and worrying about tongue bite. All at a grand total of £24!
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    Seasonal Reserve 2021

    Anyone tried this year's seasonal reserve yet? Has nothing on last year's version. I'm finding this a very harsh and chemical tasting smoke this year. Bought 2 tins as well.
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    General Beginner Tips

    Peterson. Early morning pipe or nightcap is very good for beginners I'd say.
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    Any Advice? Killer Tongue Bite

    No I've just learned not to try and smoke a pipe like a cigarette and you don't get tongue bite
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    Yeah I'm smoking some nording Erik's reserve right now so the flake don't seem too moist. Well I get to the point where everytime I relight I get zero taste and it just keeps going out within seconds. I mean the 1st half hour of smoke is great but anytime after that it seems done
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    Hi everyone. So it looks like after I finish a bowl I'm getting far too much dottle in the bottom of the bowl. It's about the same amount as my 1st later when I pack. Anyone got any suggestions on how to get the most out my bowl?
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    Can I Just Say

    Yeah I wanna try this
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    Can I Just Say

    Peterson nightcap is the one
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    Loss of Taste (Not COVID Related)

    I had a terrible time coming back to starting back up on the pipes. Tongue bite was an issue, ash tasting tobacco, tobacco liquid all in the stem. All those things. This is what I did. When you pack the bowl pack it so you get just a bit more resistance than you usually do. Light it and leave...
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    Anyone Remember this Little Gem?

    Yeah just have a wander down your local Tesco they do gold block, st bruno flake and RR and this clan stuff which removes the lining from your mouth
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    Anyone Remember this Little Gem?

    Yeah this we get in our local supermarkets they had tons of it. It burns hot
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    Anyone Remember this Little Gem?

    Yeah I noticed. This tobacco has been mac'barren'd
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    Anyone Remember this Little Gem?

    EDIT: Fixed Capitalization in Title (See Rule 9) So I stumbled upon a packet of this stuff today. This was my first tobacco I started with. Thought it was discontinued anyone else remember this?
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    Samuel Gawith Tobacco Let Export Continental Europe

    Yeah a month after brexit isn't long enough to iron out all the creases. It will get better long term. This is just a bump in the road. Companies here just need to ride it out until then
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    Frequent Tamping is Key

    I don't tamp. It makes my tobacco taste sour
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    Anyone Had Any Experience With Nording?

    So I have one of these. Smokes nice but does taste really woody sometimes takes the taste away from the tobacco. Anyone had any experience with nording? Is this a thing of his?
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    Anyone Else Get This?

    So I'm finally there with my smoking no tongue bites. No harsh smokes. But........ After smoking does anyone get a little bit of tobacco in their pipe which didn't burn? Also, what do you do with that bit? Keep it or bin it?
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    Pipe Lighter Recommendations

    I like my zippo lighter (pipe insert) however I found with my nording freehand the flame won't get into the bowl so for that pipe I use my vertigo lighter. They are awesome