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  1. chilllucky

    Old Books on Growing Tobacco

    I always recommend Barbara Hahn's "Making Tobacco Bright: Creating an American Commodity, 1617–1937" As a resource - the University of North Carolina has a huge online archive of farmer's bulletins and academic papers on growing and curing tobacco from mule times to modern.
  2. chilllucky

    Looking for Fully Threaded Tenon for Meerschaum

    Jamie at Stem and Briar has boxes and boxes of threaded tenons for old pipes of all makes.
  3. chilllucky

    First Smoke on the New Porch!

    It's above my pay grade, but I would imagine the availability issue has a lot to do with America having been settled by people who use property rights and build permanent dwellings about 1/10 as long as Italy. The second question I actually feel comfortable answering - because Canada sells it...
  4. chilllucky

    First Smoke on the New Porch!

    The someday pipes and tobaccos storage/display on the way out the door to the smoking porch. It's not much of a picture, but it's important to know that it's been part of the plans all along.
  5. chilllucky

    First Smoke on the New Porch!

    Siding is on! Just gotta pick some lights and patio furniture, maybe a hvls outdoor fan. KBB Van Gogh in a 4th Gen sandblasted bent brandy.
  6. chilllucky

    Warhorse Bar Green

    That's a strange way of taking credit. Wasn't it you and Woodsroad who brought this one back to market?
  7. chilllucky

    Please Help Identify these Tobacco Plants.

    When the plants are mature there may be a hint in the shape and number of the leaves that can point to one or another family of varieties (air-cured or flue-cured) but I don't know of a way to identify exactly which seed you started with. It largely doesn't matter much. You could sun, air, or...
  8. chilllucky

    Advice wanted: growing my own tobacco in Michigan and the North

    For smokability the growing isn't as important as the curing. If you can grow tomatoes where you are you can grow tobacco. You may just end up having to build a climate controlled box to cure it in. Fair trade has all the info for that, too. Good luck!
  9. chilllucky


    I went to Graceland Too in the early 90's. It was indeed wild. It's long since closed.
  10. chilllucky

    What's Your MBTI?

    The Meyers Briggs test is absolutely useless, unscientific trash. It proliferates into the current day because the HR industry has the lazy momentum of a Missouri float trip, not because it has been proven valid.
  11. chilllucky

    Chatter Tamper

    It did not sound like a good cut, that's for sure. The noise is less squealy and objectionable when the part is moving vs when the tool is. The noise from a bad boring bar cut is horrible.
  12. chilllucky

    Diversity and Inclusion.

    And the least negative.
  13. chilllucky

    Carrington Event

    I like your premise. Particularly that a super advanced being who could create stars with their minds still has need of a corporeal form that includes mammalian secondary sex characteristics.
  14. chilllucky

    Chatter Tamper

    When turning metal on a lathe, one of the possible bad outcomes is chatter on your part. Improper speeds and feeds, or unsupported lengths that can whip and create harmonic vibrations under the cutting forces. It's never the surface finish the customer wants, but sometimes it's pretty neat...
  15. chilllucky

    Carrington Event

    Thanks! I was only following the Kp index of aurora activity, so you had me scratching my head.
  16. chilllucky

    Carrington Event

    What scale is this?
  17. chilllucky

    First Smoke on the New Porch!

    Yeah, they get really bland people to do those shows. I did about 7-8 years of installation work as part of my 20 years as a cabinet and furniture maker and I have had many conversations with folks about building displays or structures to show off their eccentric hobbies. Everything from model...
  18. chilllucky

    Show Us Your Blatter Pipes

    I've only had the one smoke so far in the one pipe (the bottom on eon the picture) but yes! It smoked very well and certainly represents a great value in hand-made pipes. I think my spouse paid about a $150 USD per pipe at their store
  19. chilllucky

    Stirling Flake == Irish Flake?

    What I gleaned from the clerk was that they were not made at the same time, but that Wallace and Stirling flakes were introduced after Rattray's stopped making University and Irish flakes for Peterson.
  20. chilllucky

    Show Us Your Blatter Pipes

    My wife picked these up on a trip to Montreal last year. We're just inaugurating them now on our new porch with some JJ Fox Vintage mixture from the late 80's-mid 90's.