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  1. F

    Any Suggestions on a Straight Virginia?

    CS Cowboy Coffee is a beautiful smoke. Virginia, Dark Fired Kentucky and some Cavendished Virginia.
  2. F

    KBV Jupiter Slices First Impressions

    A friend sent me an order from Ken Byron. I told my friend that I'm not a virginia fan, I smoke mainly burleys. So he ordered Byronic Hiro, Jupiter slices/plug and Ravens eye and had it sent directly to me. I immediately transferred them into Mason jars and let them age for a few months. All I...
  3. F

    Question about Prince Albert

    BL/WB is an aromatic. I don't like it. It's not like any other burley I've smoked. I don't like the sauce used and to be honest, it bites!
  4. F

    SWRA Sir Walter Raleigh Aromatic

    Hi Tom, SWRA was my second everyday blend. Carter Hall was my first then I bought a tub of SWRA by chance and loved it. Then I saw some forums with how people liked SWR regular better. I bought a pouch of it and found that I like burley forward if not an all burley blend. I smoked that for a few...
  5. F

    Re-visiting Lane Ltd. HGL.

    I keep a quart Mason jar filled with an HGL and RLP-6 mix in it. What I do is get 8 ounces of HGL and 4 ounces of RLP-6 mix them in a huge mixing bowl then jar it up. I let it set for about a month before I touch it. I like it on the sweet side. HGL plain is too much Latakia for me. Cutting it...
  6. F

    What Tobacco did your Ancestors Smoke?

    My Great grandfather "my mothers stepmother's Dad) smoked Union Leader in Dr. Grabows billiards. If the Acme and drugstore was out he would smoke Prince Albert. My stepfather's brother smoked Captain Black original and Royal. In his den he had a pipe rack with 8 pipes and a tub of Captain black...
  7. F

    Pipe Smoking Musicians

    I've been trying to research what his favorite tobacco was. We all know he liked the straight apple shape.
  8. F

    Info on Sugar Barrel Tobacco, Please.

    You are correct. I just smoked a big bowl of 2014 Middleton Sugar Barrel in my Vintage Dr. Grabow Royal Duke saddle bit billiard. I tried to find a good match with no avail. The Sutliffs Sugar Barrel match and the sweet Cask is nothing like Middleton's. I suspect that they are both the same...
  9. F

    That Old School Aroma

    I believe you with that. I know that some of the older blends that aren't around anymore used it as a vanilla flavoring. Half and Half had it as a condiment as well. So did Heine's Blend back in the 40s and 50s. Another flavor that is in these old estate pipes is Musk. Mixture-79 had musk.
  10. F

    Lane Limited RLP-6 and a Smile

    Captain Black doesn't have their bulk line anymore. When they moved from Tucker GA. to Denmark they axed a few products. I've never had 7 seas gold. I've only had their cherry and it was terrible. MacBaren doesn't agree with my tongue. Anything from MacBaren bites the crap out of me except for...
  11. F

    Lane Limited RLP-6 and a Smile

    Sorry for the late response, been working a lot. For your question, the MV and CBG is not sweeter then RLP-6 in the sense of room note and mouth feel, but it's sweeter in the "tang" and bready notes. RLP-6 is Burley and Cavendished green river Burley with some virginia. The MV and CBG is...
  12. F

    C&D Winchester & Others

    Hey, I actually smoke Winchester right out of the jar. I don't have an issue with needing to dry it out. Could be too that I've gotten an older batch maybe. I usually dry out flakes and Lakelands. Winchester and Pegasus are my main smokes right now and they are pretty much ready to go from the...
  13. F

    Lane Limited RLP-6 and a Smile

    HGL is fantastic. I get 8 ounces at a time then add two ounces of my RLP-6 stash to it. Makes the room note better for the family. I've had RLP-6 and Captain Black Original bulk blend side by side. I miss the CB bulk. It is different, not by much but they definitely looked like a different cut...
  14. F

    Which Tobacco after Which Meal?

    Pegasus, Winchester and Big N' Burley will give you more than enough nicotine!
  15. F

    Lane Limited RLP-6 and a Smile

    MV-1000 is basically Captain Black Gold, but it's not lol. If you were to smoke MV and CB gold side by side you would not tell a difference. The CB gold bites a little to where MV doesn't. But to me they taste and smell the same.
  16. F

    Peterson University Flake review

    I've liked University Flake for years. For me it has a blueberry aroma and taste. Not heavy but any means, but it's definitely there. I have to smoke it in a Savinelli or Rossi because of the need of the charcoal filter. I get tongue bite very easily. Has nothing to do with cadence, or packing...
  17. F

    C&D Winchester & Others

    I have a pound aging. I need to order another pound to smoke. I'm a burley smoker through and through, Prince Albert was my everyday for years and Sir Walter Raleigh regular before that. Red Virginia used to give me the spins, but I started smoking Samuel Gawith Full Virginia Flake so I think I...
  18. F

    C&D Winchester & Others

    Neither did I Grangerous. Virginia tends to destroy my tongue and the roof of my mouth if I don't smoke it with either a 9mm or 6mm charcoal filter. Winchester on the other hand is smooth as butter on raisin and cinnamon toast. My youngest really likes the smell of it when I smoke it. When he's...
  19. F

    Red Virginias

    Man, I bet that stuff is delicious ten fold now with some age on that red Virginia!
  20. F

    Unflavored Blends with Pleasing Room Note

    I have a feeling you really like SWRA lol. It was my second all day smoke. I'm pretty sure Carter Hall was my first everyday smoke. But I know I smoked SIr Walter Raleigh aromatic for a few years and nothing else. I still have a few unopened tubs in my cellar. After smoking Pegasus and...