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  1. TheDesertPiper

    The Dedicated Pipe Dilemma

    I have 4 different groups of dedicated pipes. One group is only for latakia based blends. The second is for my occasional dabble into aromatics, and the the third is for Virginias/burleys. The last group is made up of some cheaper, smaller cobs and I smoke anything out of those.
  2. TheDesertPiper

    Help a Fella Out with Burley

    Haunted Bookshop for sure and some of the codger blends, like sir walter raleigh which is all burley.
  3. TheDesertPiper

    If You Could Have Only One...

    If I could still buy it I would get Mcclleland 5100 and a this one Savinelli prince I've got. Since I cannot acquire more 5100 I don't think its really an acceptable answer, so instead I would probably go with some Gaslight.
  4. TheDesertPiper

    How Slow can You Go?

    I have to be very aware of my cadence when I first start smoking a bowl. If I can consciously go slow after, a bit it just becomes my natural rhythm. It's hard to go slow when the flavor are good though.
  5. TheDesertPiper

    Show Me Pipe Rack / Storage Options

    I don't know why, but I love seeing how other folks have there pipes and tobaccos displayed.
  6. TheDesertPiper

    Finding What you Really Like

    Quite a few cheap ones. I kept trying drug store blends and wasn't really impressed. I decided I would order some more popular blends from online. If I didn't like any of those I was probably just going to give up. I ordered a few different random tins that had good reviews. One of them was...
  7. TheDesertPiper

    The (Un)Official PipesMagazine Secret Santa Thread 2022!

    Sending some prayers your way. I hope you kick hodgkins lymphoma right in the ass.
  8. TheDesertPiper

    The (Un)Official PipesMagazine Secret Santa Thread 2022!

    I do enjoy a bit of country lawyer from time to time.
  9. TheDesertPiper

    The (Un)Official PipesMagazine Secret Santa Thread 2022!

    My gift arrived earlier today and I couldn't resist the temptation to see what Santa brought me. He didn't disappoint. Thank you Santa! Have yet to try 2 out of 3 of these. I am sure I will enjoy them in my new cob.
  10. TheDesertPiper

    Your Cellar Size

    I don't have an extensive cellar. maybe 20 tins and 40-ish glass jars between 4 and 8 ounces, but not every jar is completely filled. I also have a varying supply of cigars. Sometimes I have a 60 sticks in the humidor, and sometimes I've only got 2 or 3. I wish cigars were cheaper lol. Actually...
  11. TheDesertPiper

    The (Un)Official PipesMagazine Secret Santa Thread 2022!

    All of the goodies that I will be secretly gifting have arrived. Now I just have to wrap them up and send them off tomorrow morning.
  12. TheDesertPiper

    A great collection.

    Imagine finding those two chests.
  13. TheDesertPiper

    Cellar Fail

    I suppose that is why a lot of folks like to vacuum seal unopened tins when they're going into the cellar.
  14. TheDesertPiper

    What Cigar are You Smoking? - 2022

    Currently enjoying a Perdomo 10th anniversary champagne. I really enjoy this stick.
  15. TheDesertPiper

    Cornell & Diehl Haunted Bookshop

    I bought a single tin of this and smoked one bowl right away and I didn't care for it. Its been in a jar aging up for a while now. Maybe ill give it another shot after it gets some more age on it.
  16. TheDesertPiper

    Cellaring: How Much is Too Much?

    At this point I have reckon I have enough to last me at least few years or more at my current rate of smoking and it feels like I have waaaay too much.
  17. TheDesertPiper

    The (Un)Official PipesMagazine Secret Santa Thread 2022!

    Can hardly believe its already that time of year again.
  18. TheDesertPiper

    An Aromatic I Enjoy!!

    I too on occasion enjoy a bowl of MM 150th anniversary. I also like Stanwell Vanilla which I found somewhat similar. Aromatics definitely aren't my go to, but they do provide a nice change of pace when I need it.
  19. TheDesertPiper

    First Pipe, Briar Or Cob?

    I bought a cob, but VERY shortly after purchased a briar in the $80 range. I then bought a whole lot more of each. As a beginner on a budget I would probably recommend buying a cob. Cheaper, so if you burn it out learning to smoke properly you are only out about $10. I totally understand the...