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  1. C

    Smoking to the Bottom of the Bowl.

    Just a few words about the subject. When i bought a tobacco "kit" from the Tinder Box around 1979 , it included a small booklet called the briar pipe (Ed Koplin) with some basic instructions. It stated that the most important thing was to smoke the pipe until the bottom. In the 90's i bought a...
  2. C

    Hey, Anyone Heard of C&Ds "Mad Fiddler"

    Regarding the source for the name , i suggest you to check the Lovecraft works because this serie is about his work. About the tobacco...i love it. It is a different kind . Spiced by the kasturi. Not for everyone but i like it. I smoke at least two or three bowls a week of this broken flake...
  3. C

    What Coffee Brand do You Like?

    Alto grande in the morning with few drops of cream and very little sugar (cortado). For the rest of the day , Bustello expresso black ristretto.
  4. C

    Natural American Spirit Pipe Tobacco

    As everything , it depends on your taste. I think that there are many better tasting cigarette tobacco.
  5. C

    What is Castello’s Great Line?

    Not exactly. I have seen several greatlines with normal size.
  6. C

    A Pipe Club of One

    Welcome from Albuquerque. I am also the only member of my club.
  7. C

    Estate Purchase

    Yes , so it look to me. About the dunhill , it seems like one of those made in or around 1975 wich were seen by then as low quality. I do not know the value in the market but i do not like any of the two.
  8. C

    Accidentally Removed Some Finish off the Rim

    Parker & Bailey touch up markers. For the few times i have used the product it gave exellent results. Just be sure to match the proper color. Bienvenido Charrua.
  9. C

    Cigars in Cancun

    If you want to try the local , try Yaki cigars...and maybe some of their pipe blends.
  10. C

    Real Bad at Lighting Cigars

    Never light a cigar in your mouth ? . In Cuba it was always light in your mouth. I have been smoking cigars for 50 years and always like that. So , i have been doing it wrong for media rueda.
  11. C

    Smoking to the Bottom of the Bowl.

    I suggest you to pack with only two layers and not tight. Then go gentle with the tamper in order to avoid too much pressure on the bottom. In the last third or fourth do not tamp at all. You can check if you have unburned tobacco with the pick of a smoking tool.
  12. C

    Another Meer Coloring Tip/Method

    No secret. That method is known since a long time. It is mentioned on Carl Ehwa book but it is known long before that. Anyway is good that you found it by yourself and that it is usefull for you. Very few things are new on this hobby.
  13. C

    Duty Free Malaga

    Check for the Gladora tobacco. Is not available in the states. If you like latakia , ask for the tin of 40. They are made with the new turkish latakia and other turkish varieties.
  14. C

    Information on My Andreas Bauer Meerschaum

    For the last years , AB was made in Turkey.
  15. C

    Escudo Alternative

    I do not think it had so much perique. They are not exact matches. Those two blends i suggest because the "vinegar" reminds me in some aspects of the old escudo. But they are not the same. I agree with sablebrush. After Cope's , Petersen made a more or less good product for some time. Eventually...
  16. C

    Escudo Alternative

    As other members suggested , Viprati. A less expensive alternative may be Exclusive from C&D. There are many good vapers but only these two are reminiscent of the old escudo imo.
  17. C

    Need Some Advice, Please!

    Ounce you get the sickness , there is no cure.
  18. C

    Horn Stems

    I like the mouth feel of horn stems. Vulcanite and acrylic feels less natural. My only objection with them is that many have orific opening. I have several and i smoke them with the same or more pleasure than the other materials.