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  1. Puffaluffaguss

    MM Cob Love

    Cobs are awsome, and if you want to customize them to your liking a lil more it's not that much. I belive your better off upgrading a cob for like $50 compared to buying a $75 briar that burns your hand and makes your blends taste bad. The "Elite" line of missouri meerschaum are a bit more pricy...
  2. Puffaluffaguss

    Meerschaum Prices

    100% when I first started pipeing around 2016/2017 I remember the same sellers but much lower prices. At that point Mcclelland was going under and I was just a meer baby (pun intended). You can still find good prices but for the most part quality meerschaum is becoming more pricy.
  3. Puffaluffaguss

    Show Off Your Meerschaum Pipes Here!

    I would just bend it myself, it looks like it would bend up simple enough. I just use my lighter on cheaper stems, but if you want to do it "Profesional" the wifes hair drier will work just fine. Just a couple of inches away a few seconds on both sides and lift with your finger. I always put a...
  4. Puffaluffaguss

    Billiard Perfection

    I heard the Person who fist had a design similar to this (I mean they are both 1 of a kind masterpieces) but similar. Was The wizard "Merlin", he said in his teaching the reason the shape and design are so eye appealing and it smokes better then any other pipe design no matter the shape or size...
  5. Puffaluffaguss

    Show Off Your Meerschaum Pipes Here!

    Ooo, that's coloring up nicely
  6. Puffaluffaguss

    Show Off Your Meerschaum Pipes Here!

    I sell all over the interwebs, the best thing anybody can do (if the option is available) to contact the seller directly. I wasn't hoping for a free pipe, but just a little customer appreciation. It worked out for both of us, and when I have the funds I will have 2 beautiful meers for almost...
  7. Puffaluffaguss

    Show Off Your Meerschaum Pipes Here!

    Nice, ive ran about 5 bowls out of mine so far. I'll post some pics soon but I can say it is going to color faster then my last cheapo meer but that was heavily true lattice, just gotta get a new screw tennon for it and put it back into the rotation. But I like the carving on yours its very subtle.
  8. Puffaluffaguss

    Interesting Completed Ebay Auctions - British Pipes

    Yes the bowl is almost too round for a pipe that is shaped and drilled prior to sandblasting. It looks to me that it was cut after the pipe was blasted which could mean only 1 thing. They re-drilled the bowl to look knew. Even if it was lightly smoked you would have to cut out alot to make it...
  9. Puffaluffaguss

    Show Off Your Meerschaum Pipes Here!

    Your exactly correct. If the seller wouldn't have apologized so strongly and the shipping wouldn't take so long I probably would have returned it. Yes the pipe In pictured looked translucent but the pipe i received is not the pipe in the picture. When a meer has that clear but rusticated look I...
  10. Puffaluffaguss

    Show Off Your Meerschaum Pipes Here!

    You are 100% correct. I don't always polish but when i do, my daughters know to use Candy Apple red or there will be issues lol.
  11. Puffaluffaguss

    Show Off Your Meerschaum Pipes Here!

    Just got this straight from Turkey, by a carver I've only seen mentioned once or twice. The carver is "DulgerMeershaum" the prices are a little high but you can catch a sale, which is why I bought this. The pipe isn't the exact pipe in the pics from his Ebay store but he states if he has more...
  12. Puffaluffaguss

    Sandblast or Rustication?

    You also have to take into consideration weather the pipe was oil-cured in any type of way like Ashton, Dunhill, Radice, that will give the pipe differences in flavor during the break in. They could be carved, blasted, smooth, but would it change from variation to variation, probably not, but...
  13. Puffaluffaguss

    Tinbids Experiences?

    I can't, I'm not impatient, just paranoid. I've had meerschaums from turkey just disappear.
  14. Puffaluffaguss

    Initial Enthusiasm Resulted in Acquisition Disorders

    Yes, No, never again, i got hooked trying to hit a progressive that I was never going to hit and eventual I was down more in an hour then I had lost in a week on tables lol. You Live you learn but high limit slot progressives are very enticing on the way to the hold'em room.
  15. Puffaluffaguss

    Initial Enthusiasm Resulted in Acquisition Disorders

    A "A" single hundred? Or more like 5 Castellos worth in 1 machine lol. "IM NOT PROJECTING" 😭
  16. Puffaluffaguss

    Tinbids Experiences?

    You need to remember, it's a random person that your buying from, not a small buisness or big business, but a lonely fellow who might be sick, family issues, child issues, hell even money issues. Sellers don't see a penny until you receive the item, so tinbids still has it and they are buisness...
  17. Puffaluffaguss

    Interesting Completed Ebay Auctions - British Pipes

    But the cased magnum from the same seller did better then I thought at over 5k
  18. Puffaluffaguss

    Interesting Completed Ebay Auctions - British Pipes

    I was Yes 747, I tried all the shape charts and had to go back to the pic like 5 times to make sure because it looked like the back slash was too high, either way shape 74 or 747, not in any shape chart I could find. I let it go because I wasn't sure why lol. Sometimes it's better to not think...
  19. Puffaluffaguss

    Initial Enthusiasm Resulted in Acquisition Disorders

    I just sold a lot on the Bay of E and made a decent profit. Yes they were all name brand, but none were new when I purchased them, actually most of them were beat to crap. I restored them back to as close to original as possible.smoked them for awhile then cleaned them back up and sold them...
  20. Puffaluffaguss

    Folding And Stuffing Flakes

    I'm wondering if you cut a rope into the perfect size to fit the bowl, slide it in more then stuff, if you can get an enjoyable smoke from it. Pretty much fold and stuff with less air space.