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  1. Fralphog

    ***What Are You Smoking, June 2024?***

    I decided to enjoy a morning smoke before the heat of the day. Sitting on the front porch with some ice water and some KBV Acadian Flake. I’ve been trying to reach for pipes that don’t seem to make it into my rotation. This jean-Claude caught my eye this morning.
  2. Fralphog

    ***What Are You Smoking, June 2024?***

    Long day moving sheep, mowing some pasture and vehicle maintenance. A warm day today with temps around 95 deg for tomorrow. Decided on some of my personal Codger mixture, “Big R” and a blue Ribbon PBR! Instrument of indulgence is a restored House of Robertson bent billiard.
  3. Fralphog

    ***What Are You Smoking, June 2024?***

    After accomplishing my least favorite chore, cleaning the chicken coop, and my normal everyday chores, finally sitting down to relax with some Uhle’s 00 Blend in the Boswell Mini-Ball replica churchwarden. Some ice water is in order.
  4. Fralphog

    ***What Are You Smoking, June 2024?***

    I agree with your assessment. But, it does provide a nice base to experiment. I have some cavendish that is great to add blending components too.
  5. Fralphog

    ***What Are You Smoking, June 2024?***

    Now on to some C&D Briar Fox in a House of Robertson bent Rhodesian.
  6. Fralphog

    ***What Are You Smoking, June 2024?***

    Enjoying a personal codger mixture in a Hilson Giant Canadian and a Glass of 50/50 homemade Kombucha and black ice tea.
  7. Fralphog

    ***What Are You Smoking, June 2024?***

    Message received. Of note: Nothing in my post was political in nature. It was a link to a business that sold flags. The history of “the flag in question” was not politicized. I echo the comments by @Sobrbiker. I appreciate the rules of the forum and enjoy interacting here. If the standard of...
  8. Fralphog

    ***What Are You Smoking, June 2024?***

    With all my yard work and chores done, I grabbed the MM Diamond cob and some 2021 C&D cub cute burley. A yeti mug of electrolyte drink mix to rehydrate.
  9. Fralphog

    ***What Are You Smoking, June 2024?***

    Got the sheep moved to a new paddock and decided to smoke some Boswell Pom Holiday from 2012. A nice cavendish heavy aromatic topped with pomegranate. I haven’t smoke any of this since last fall. It’s good on its own, but I like it more with a pinch of Perique 😏. After I mixed up quite a large...
  10. Fralphog

    ***What Are You Smoking, June 2024?***

    Nice pipe! I own one as well. I haven’t seen another one posted on here before. And it seems JM Boswell isn’t making them anymore? Great pipe for a short smoke.
  11. Fralphog

    ***What Are You Smoking, June 2024?***

    A rainy day means little or no yardwork and time for a leisurely lunt on the front porch. The cool wet weather made me think Latakia. So the KW Apple Signet with D&S Blairgowrie and a cup of strong Earl Grey tea.
  12. Fralphog

    ***What Are You Smoking, June 2024?***

    Finally done with chores and ready for a smoke break before dinner. The Altinay Rusticated Dubmeer with Newminster 400 SNF. A cold Fremont brewery, Sky Kraken Ale.
  13. Fralphog

    ***What Are You Smoking, June 2024?***

    Your post made me laugh. I couldn’t take the vintage KW for a bath. Next time I’ll have to grab a cob for sprinkler adjustments🤔 I imagine it’s getting “hot” in the Southwest. Only 80 degrees today. Latter when the mercury heads north of 95 degrees, I might be seen wantonly adjusting sprinklers...
  14. Fralphog

    ***What Are You Smoking, June 2024?***

    Now smoking HH ODF in another KW 12B inherited from Grandpa Mac.
  15. Fralphog

    ***What Are You Smoking, June 2024?***

    Flags related to the Stop the Steal Movement are obviously political and will not be tolerated here.
  16. Fralphog

    ***What Are You Smoking, June 2024?***

    Smoking my personal codger mixture (Pegasus like) in “Grandpa Mac’s” KW 12B Meerdog while carefully dodging and adjusting a few irrigation sprinklers. Good Saturday to All!
  17. Fralphog

    ***What Are You Smoking, June 2024?***

    Earlier this evening I fired up the wood fired oven. It takes an hour, so I grabbed the Boswell Poker and some 2021 OGS and a cold beer. Enjoyed an evening with our son and daughter-in-law. Made some pita bread for another meal and some pizzas. Played some games. A Wonderful evening indeed!
  18. Fralphog

    ***What Are You Smoking, May 2024?***

    Work all done. Now I’m waiting to see if a thunderstorm is coming my way? Smoking GLP Cairo in a vintage Cob. Glass of ice water accompanying.
  19. Fralphog

    ***What Are You Smoking, May 2024?***

    After dinner on the back patio. Enjoying a cricket serenade along with some GLP jackknife plug from 2017 in the Savinelli autograph three, bent brandy. A tumbler full of my home brewed stout with a shot of rye whiskey 😏 Delicious pairing indeed! I haven’t smoked jackknife plug since last...
  20. Fralphog

    ***What Are You Smoking, May 2024?***

    The Armelleni Fatte A Mono sitter with GLP Cario. An ice-cold Fremont brewing Sky Kraken Ale.