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  1. KaunThePiper

    ***What Are You Smoking, March 2024?***

    Well, not an pipe today, but a nice cup of Canadian coffee, and a Kentucky Dark fired MUWAT Cigar
  2. KaunThePiper

    Dishonorable Mentions

    Pics or it didn't happen😎
  3. KaunThePiper

    Dishonorable Mentions

    I have to say it didn't hit me as anything special really. I mean it was bleh. Weird taste. So it became a workbench blend, where I just puffed through the tin focused on something else entirely 😆
  4. KaunThePiper

    ***What Are You Smoking, June 2023?***

    Really tasty. Through my Eric Mills Custom Cob "Samhain" edition cob.
  5. KaunThePiper

    ***What Are You Smoking, May 2023?***

    2 year old @cornellanddiehl Bayou Morning, in my merchant service smooth Canadian 👌🏻 Damn this is smooth, and tasty.
  6. KaunThePiper

    ***What Are You Smoking, May 2023?***

    Enjoying some Orlik Golden Sliced in my Altinay Skulltle-fish meer😎💨
  7. KaunThePiper

    New Member Here!

    Hey there. Welcome from New England 👍🏻
  8. KaunThePiper

    Géométrie... How Much Did You Order?

    Just one for me. It's a regular production item. If I like it, I'll buy more. What I'm really hunting is Esoterica Dorchester. I LOVE that stuff.
  9. KaunThePiper

    New Member here. Hello from New Haven, CT.

    Sure thing. The Owl Shop in New Haven has a decent in house selection of tobaccos. I like most of their blends. Up in Smoke in Cromwell has a few tins and an in-house blend with their own whiskey as a top. Pretty good, even if you aren't into aromatic tobaccos. There is the Hartford Reading...
  10. KaunThePiper

    ***What Are You Smoking, March 2023?***

    That I believe is a Rhodesian... I believe the main difference comes from the inset concentric rings, not found on a pear shape.
  11. KaunThePiper

    ***What Are You Smoking, March 2023?***

    On this, my daughter's birthday, I come to you with Peterson's University flake from a Stephen Johnson (of E. Wilkes fame) bent free hand Dublin. Yes, the stem is a replacement for the original Vulcanite stem, which I still have. I just didn't care for it, and this "horn" acrylic stem fits it's...
  12. KaunThePiper

    ***What Are You Smoking, March 2023?***

    That's the Plague medallion from clocks and colours... They have only sterling silver no brass inlay left
  13. KaunThePiper

    ***What Are You Smoking, March 2023?***

    Sutliff P.S. Hills of Slane in this paneled billiard I picked up off eBay for a steal. Tasty, mild, and not too heavy on the flavoring... I like it👌🏻
  14. KaunThePiper

    Question/Help: Sour taste - Cleaning Estate Pipe Stem - Oxyclean x Bleach

    Hi there... This is what I use with fantastic results: Briarville Stem Oxidation Remover
  15. KaunThePiper

    New Member here. Hello from New Haven, CT.

    Hello there... From your neighbor in Waterbury, CT.
  16. KaunThePiper

    ***What Are You Smoking, March 2023?***

    Continuing #meerschaumMarch, here is some Carolina Red Flake (2022) from a nameless but well built estate meer I bought last year. The previous owner passed in 1980, and his collection was on eBay recently. So we know it at least dates back pre-1980
  17. KaunThePiper

    ***What Are You Smoking, March 2023?***

    Well well well... Now they #meerschaummarch is here, here's my little cat figural with some Peterson Elizabethan Mixture. A good month to work on coloring my meers.
  18. KaunThePiper

    ***What Are You Smoking, February 2023?***

    A great night for this 2021 Elizabethan Mixture in my Peterson Christmas 2021 Strand
  19. KaunThePiper

    On Smoking Slowly and the Benefits...

    You know I can't Tell you how many times I've come down into my basement/ dungeons/ workshop, to smoke my pipe during the winter, and not come upstairs for over an hour, on a smaller billiard or shop cob. The gentle warmth of the soft smoke of a balkan blend rolling around in my mouth for a...
  20. KaunThePiper

    ***What Are You Smoking, February 2023?***

    I've got a pack of Maltese Falcon going in this Rattray's Samhain 18👌🏻Tasty👊🏻