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  1. SootLeaf

    Anyone Play Video Games?

    Shadow of the Erdtree cannot arrive soon enough, Miquella gonna catch these hands lol. I've been playing a lot of indie stuff lately though. Streets of Rogue has been my obsession for the last few weeks, Hypercharge Unboxed just hit Xbox which has been a blast (they just don't make 'em like that...
  2. SootLeaf

    Warhorse Bar Green

    As a Marylander always looking for a reason to plug my favorite B&M, I'm going to throw Leesburg Cigar & Pipe out there. A small place but the new owner who took over a few years back is super friendly and is a pipe enthusiast himself. God, the smell-o-vision in this thread is real. Personally...
  3. SootLeaf

    New Smoking Lounge

    Awesome looking space, I'm jealous! And I love all the MOTU sets and figures, that brought back a lot of good forgotten childhood memories. An older cousin of mine had the collector's case stuffed full of a dozen or so of them that I played with all the time. That and G.I. Joe.
  4. SootLeaf

    Any Big, Angled Lighters Out There?

    I got mine from Amazon for $40
  5. SootLeaf

    Any Big, Angled Lighters Out There?

    Ah I see now, thank you!
  6. SootLeaf

    Any Big, Angled Lighters Out There?

    Sorry for the slight thread highjack but I recently bought one of these myself and I love it, but could you enlighten me as to how you change the flint?
  7. SootLeaf

    Opening A New Round Tin

    Edit: Apologies, this was a mispost.
  8. SootLeaf

    Does Smoking Change Taste of Food?

    It took a me a while to realize that's what was happening when I first picked up the pipe. One of the biggest dietary changes for me as a result was my new found appreciation for tea. Prior to, tea was mostly just hot leaf juice to me (sorry, Uncle Iroh) but suddenly I started drinking several...
  9. SootLeaf

    Thoughts on a Second Pipe

    My elf cobbit was one of my favorite pipes for a long time, and only fell out of rotation because I'm a capiricious lover of my pipes and cycle through them often. It's a decent sized pipe but perhaps smaller on the churchwarden scale in terms of length, so not a bad way to test the waters if...
  10. SootLeaf

    Local B&Ms

    About as local as can be is a Davidus Cigars 1 block away from me for which I am very grateful. It's a smaller shop and obviously caters more to cigars than pipes but they do carry a rotating handful of different tins and they make a point to offer the limited run/small batch stuff when it rolls...
  11. SootLeaf

    Hello from Maryland!

    Only way there is, smothered in old bay and several Natty Boh's deep obviously.
  12. SootLeaf

    Hello from Maryland!

    Hey there fellow pipe folk! As a long time lurker I've gained a ton of insight into the tobacco world from so many of you fine people and now I'm looking forward to finally jumping into the forums proper. Thanks in advance for putting up with me. Now I'm off to plant myself in the rocking chair...