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  1. Wild chicken

    Help : What's the difference between Comoy's Pebble Grain and Sandblast?

    Thank you for your help. English is not my native language. Maybe some of my words fail to convey the idea. 😜 According to the catalog you posted, the sandbrast pipes were earlier than pebble grain pipes. Am I correct?
  2. Wild chicken

    Help : What's the difference between Comoy's Pebble Grain and Sandblast?

    They look so similar. I can't find the difference until see the stamps.
  3. Wild chicken

    How to differentiate Astley pipes made by Charatan, by Dunhill or by Ashton?

    The same question: How to differentiate fribourg &treyer pipes? I think it more difficult than astley's pipes.
  4. Wild chicken

    Hello from the Western Reserve

    Hi And welcome from SJZ 😁
  5. Wild chicken

    How to differentiate Astley pipes made by Charatan, by Dunhill or by Ashton?

    I've heard that before. And saw some of the examples. They are rough in workmanship. Strangely, where they found the "astley" steel seal? Did the steel seal was stolen. Or they made a new one?
  6. Wild chicken

    How to differentiate Astley pipes made by Charatan, by Dunhill or by Ashton?

    Shapes of bowl and shank, mouthpiece. I think it's depend on experience. I have lots of astley's pipes. And love to help you if post your pics.
  7. Wild chicken

    Show Off Your GBD Pipes (and 2nds)

    I like your sg pipe. How about this one? 😏😏😏 Another collection from my shelf board.😘😘😘
  8. Wild chicken

    Show Off Your GBD Pipes (and 2nds)

    It's my straight grain GBD pipe 😜
  9. Wild chicken

    New to me GBD

    My GBD😏
  10. Wild chicken

    Quick Sasieni four dot Pembroke S question

    And "XS"? What does it mean? I'm a novice.😜
  11. Wild chicken

    New Charatan, my second

    I like the square shank.
  12. Wild chicken

    Peterson 's dating help

    Hello. I am from China. I am so happy to find this forum to share our favorite pipes. Recently I got a peterson pipe. It is special, There is no any origin stamp on the shank, And no "P" logo on the stem too. I don't know when it was made.