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  1. Sparcdude

    What Show Us Hey New Greetings Help!

    My hovercraft is full of eels.
  2. Sparcdude

    This Item Cannot be Shipped into NY

    I suspect that given how convoluted the laws can be, some vendors may just be throwing their hands up and not ship to those areas to avoid any issues. It’s probably why you see different shipping exclusions. It’s not consistent.
  3. Sparcdude

    Your Morning Routine

    My routine is basically to get out of bed, make coffee, go down to my home office, light up a pipe with whatever I happen to grab off the shelf and pretend to work. It’s been working well for me for about 17 years puffy
  4. Sparcdude

    I Just Got a Court Summons......For Jury Duty.

    I’ve been called twice - once by a state that I had just moved from, so that was an obvious dismissal. The thing about that state’s particular jury duty laws was that if you don’t get picked the first day, you’re done and don’t have to return. The second time was for federal jury duty. That...
  5. Sparcdude

    Do You Prefer Burgers with...

    Well, it was nice knowing you all... But I’m going to have my burger with ketchup, lettuce, onion, bacon, and green peppers as my last meal!
  6. Sparcdude

    What is Your Favorite Blend in the Morning?

    It varies for me - I don’t look for anything in particular, but it’s usually PA or EMP. Once in a while I’ll grab some Peterson Standard Mixture - or whatever my hand happens to land on when I’m rummaging...
  7. Sparcdude

    Show us your Genods.

    Ok - my mind or my eyes are tricking me. When I saw the title, I thought it said “Show us your gonads”. I’ll see myself out...
  8. Sparcdude

    What Tobacco did your Ancestors Smoke?

    My grandfather smoked SWR or Carter Hall- he wasn’t too fond of aromatics. I learned the “stuff and puff” method from him, and it’s served me well all these years. My father was strictly a cigarette smoker.
  9. Sparcdude

    My Lent Regret

    I keep it simple: I give up Lent for Lent... (And now I expect the ghosts of my aunts who were nuns to haunt me)
  10. Sparcdude

    Why do You Smoke a Pipe?

    Because I can...
  11. Sparcdude

    Pipe Cleaner Not Passing Through Shank

    Well, you can blow through it, so things probably aren’t plugged up. It may be that you’re just missing the hole with the pipe cleaner. I have a few pipes where I have to do some wiggling and twisting to get the cleaner to go through. I’ve also used the pick on my Czech tool to “find” it. If you...
  12. Sparcdude

    What Do You Do?

    Support engineer for network storage - when I was in the field, I was the guy who showed up saying “I’m here because you broke something”.
  13. Sparcdude

    How much

    My wife trims the split ends off my long hair, although she doesn't let it get past my shoulders! There's a price to pay for that, I think.... But I do have longer hair than her!
  14. Sparcdude

    Does the Quality of a Pipe Increase with its Price?

    It's a matter of expectations and what you're looking for. Are you collecting? If so, you're probably looking for looks, among other things. I couldn't really say if they smoke better. A couple of my best smokers are my Dr. Grabow Omega and my Savinelli Trevi. As others have said, I can't...
  15. Sparcdude

    What The Heck?

    Now there's a thought...gather up all the cigar clippings and mash them all together and sell them as a unique smoking sensation! Need a catchy name, though...Clippybacco? I think I need more caffeine.
  16. Sparcdude

    What The Heck?

    Well...consider the fact that I appear to be an idiot... It turns out that it was, indeed, the clipping from a cigar that somehow landed in the pipe so that when I knocked it, it would reappear to mess with my head. I'm now starting to wonder if some of my cigars are sentient and ganging up on me.
  17. Sparcdude

    Shout out from Central CA

    Welcome from New Hampshire! I never considered a pipe while working for my Uncle - we still had C rats with the cigs in them. Plus being a grunt, a pipe would've been a bit cumbersome. Glad to have you!
  18. Sparcdude

    Hello From London, UK

    Welcome from New Hampshire! I've only had a chance to visit London once, about 30 or so years ago. I keep meaning to get back and hopefully one day I will.
  19. Sparcdude

    Returning to the Hobby in Portland!

    Welcome from New Hampshire. My father wasn't a pipe smoker, but my grandfather was. I remember him just stuffing his pipe with SWR and putting a pinch of salt in his beer to give it a head...I thought it was weird at the time (and still do), but the stories he had about his time on the railroad...
  20. Sparcdude

    Old Guy in NJ

    Welcome from New Hamphire.