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  1. Jbrewer2002

    ***What Are You Smoking, May 2024?***

    Warped The Kings Stride in a Hawkbill
  2. Jbrewer2002

    ***What Are You Smoking, May 2024?***

    Warped Until The End in a James Upshall
  3. Jbrewer2002

    My New, Old, Classic Cassette-Deck

    My thoughts exactly about tapes. She asked me if I wanted to buy them and I quickly said no but I would see if I could get couple of bucks out of it for the lot for her. I’m going into town tomorrow and there is a store that sells vintage media. They want to look at them.
  4. Jbrewer2002

    My New, Old, Classic Cassette-Deck

    I finally got around too going through my neighbors late husbands tape collection. He had quite a few. This will be fun selling lol.
  5. Jbrewer2002

    ***What Are You Smoking, May 2024?***

    GLP Cumberland in my Meer.
  6. Jbrewer2002

    Jim's C&D Steamworks Small Batch 2024 Review.

    None of my tins from the last release had mold and I enjoyed it a lot. I recently had a conversation with Jermy and he told me some of the great measures they go through without adding more additives to prevent mold. I have never had a C&D tin to have mold so I picked up 15 tins this release.
  7. Jbrewer2002

    Building Large Pipe Racks For Large Pipes.

    Looks great. Glad to see I’m not the only one that uses 1,2,3 blocks for woodworking also.
  8. Jbrewer2002

    ***What Are You Smoking, May 2024?***

    Enjoying my first smoke in my commissioned Karim pipe with some CRF W/Perique.
  9. Jbrewer2002

    ***What Are You Smoking, April 2024?***

    Starting my morning off with a bowl of GLP Cumberland with a cup of locally roasted Sumatra Mutu Batak pour over coffee. It will be a long day working outside doing some spring chores.
  10. Jbrewer2002

    ***What Are You Smoking, April 2024?***

    KBV Toast of Texas in a Peet. Getting some work done. Love being able to smoke in my office while jamming to some music.
  11. Jbrewer2002

    Zippo Fuel Lighter - Taste?

    Depends on the person. I’m sensitive to it and taste/smell it. I still use a zippo when outside though.
  12. Jbrewer2002

    OOOH-NOOO! Another Mail Call!

    I just finished a tin of that and haven’t opened my next or I would have definitely sent a sample of that one. Good recommendation.
  13. Jbrewer2002

    OOOH-NOOO! Another Mail Call!

    Naa. I enjoy all them but thought I would help him discover a few without having to buy them. The only one I don’t care for was the Redburn. He got the remainder of the tin 😉
  14. Jbrewer2002

    Boswell Premium & Old School

    I hope you enjoy them and may find some new favorites!
  15. Jbrewer2002

    Cigars to Pipes...No Looking Back

    For me there two separate experiences. I have been smoking both cigars and pipes since I graduated high school in 2002. Cigars were a main focus until about 5 years ago then pipes took the lead. I smoke about 4-5 bowls a day and 2-4 cigars a week. Mainly on the weekends. I don’t think I’ll ever...
  16. Jbrewer2002

    New Member from Sweden

    Welcome from Ohio! The company I work for is headquartered in Västerås Sweden. I was over there in February and loved it.
  17. Jbrewer2002

    Any Thoughts On C&D Redburn?

    @badbriar if you would like send me your address and I’ll send you what’s left of the tin I bought. It’s not bad but it’s not my cup of tea.
  18. Jbrewer2002

    The Tobacco Purge — Why?

    O OJK has been out for a while. Most people appreciate a good sale and they run them a few times a year. Deep breaths it’s not the end of the world. I’m sure OJK will be back when they make another batch. They don’t have endless supplies of the proper tobaccos available at all times to make...
  19. Jbrewer2002

    My New, Old, Classic Cassette-Deck

    I have a collection that I’m getting ready to sell for our neighbor. It was her husbands (who was a friend of mine) collection. If you’re interested I can send you more information once I start going through it. I’ll probably try to sell it as a lot as I don’t see them being worth much.
  20. Jbrewer2002

    KBV Drops?

    I sent an email to that address a week ago asking when the next drop of Sakura will be and I haven’t heard back. My guess is that he doesn’t have time to be fielding phone calls and emails as his stuff generally sells just fine.