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  1. RookieGuy80

    MM Cob Love

    I love my cobs. Nothing like a well worn Country Gentleman full of Carter Hall with that first cup of coffee. I'm admit there is no better doing other things pipe than the humble cob. In a boat rocking 5 foot swells trying to horse in a black drum, it's a cob. Between my teeth as I'm feeding...
  2. RookieGuy80

    New Favorites for 2024?

    I'm not ready to call it a "New Favorite" just yet. But I have some 1 year old Newminister Superior Navy Flake that I can't seem to stay out of.
  3. RookieGuy80

    How Many Open Blends?

    Ooh! Great question! The answer depends. I keep my rotation far from my cellar. There's a floor and a half between my rotation, my open tins and jars and pipes, and my cellar in the basement. And 4/5 of my cellar is bulk that's been jarred up. A couple times a year I'll go through my...
  4. RookieGuy80

    How Much is Too Much?

    10 is more than I smoke, but not by much. As long as you're happy with it the rate, if you enjoy your smokes, if other responsibilities are being met, and loved ones aren't staging interventions it's not too much. Really, "too much" or "excessive" are relative terms. Everything else about this...
  5. RookieGuy80

    ***What Are You Smoking, June 2024?***

    Newminister Oriental Pipe Cut in a MM Country Gentleman. Time in a cellar (1-3/4 years) helped out. Still very mild, but a more flavorful mild.
  6. RookieGuy80

    80+ Tobacco Sampler; Help Develop My Palette

    I like your data driven approach. It makes a lot of sense. However, I worry that you might rely too much on the data points. 6 months in a jar can change things. 6 months more experience will as well. Not to mention weather, food, pipe smoked, how you're generally feeling when you light up...
  7. RookieGuy80

    Pipe Tobacco Recommendations for Camel Non-filter Smoker

    Exactly what are you looking for in pipe tobacco? I ask because I had initially tried to use pipe to transition away from cigarettes (also camels). It didn't work. I was trying to use a pipe to get the same effect as a cigarette. Pipe tobaccos don't work that way unless you roll them up and...
  8. RookieGuy80

    Pipe Collection

    Ask 10 different pipe smokers this and you'll get 14 different answers. And here's mine. Some people love collecting brands, they'll have racks and racks filled with a single brand or carver. Others love a certain shape, you'll see 85 princes from 53 different brands. Maybe you want a rack...
  9. RookieGuy80

    Warhorse Bar Green

    Grandpa strength anise! Yeah, that's very fair to say. A Lakeland type essence, a non floral "sauce". And as I smoke more of it, I find that I like it the way I like Lakelands. I do like them. When I'm in the mood for it, nothing else will do. But if I'm not in the mood for it, just no.
  10. RookieGuy80

    Show Me Pipe Rack / Storage Options

    No! Philips heads are the ones you don't want to use. That baby food jar full of nails, though...
  11. RookieGuy80

    Which Tobacco Leaves Your Favorite Mustache Note?

    Cool! I have a tin of that. I'll have to open it and see. Thanks.
  12. RookieGuy80

    ***What Are You Smoking, June 2024?***

    A little bit of Oriental Silk in a Morgan Bones. I would recommend any coffee drinker pick up an ounce to try with their morning joe. I find it compliments coffee better than burleys.
  13. RookieGuy80

    ***What Are You Smoking, June 2024?***

    LTF in a brand new General. The flash did weird things to the picture, there is a stem on it.
  14. RookieGuy80

    Which Tobacco Leaves Your Favorite Mustache Note?

    Mac Baren 7 Seas Black was by far the best mustache note from any tobacco I've had. That's one I'll smoke just for the mustache note.
  15. RookieGuy80

    What Show Us Hey New Greetings Help!

    Ooh! Word making Woodsroad does well! Title thread happy good.
  16. RookieGuy80

    Starter Tobacco

    With you being a cigar smoker, I wouldn't worry too much about "beginner blends" or "starter tobaccos" or any other way you can phrase it. You know that fine tobaccos are meant to be enjoyed slowly, how to draw into your mouth without puffing, all that training wheels stuff that I didn't get...
  17. RookieGuy80

    ***What Are You Smoking, June 2024?***

    JimInks in a Bones billiard. No, sorry, that's not right. Tin says Edward G. Robinson. I get confused because Sutliff puts Jim's picture on the tin.
  18. RookieGuy80

    The Advantages of "Too Many" Pipes (Or "Too Few")

    I find myself with about 30 at home. Plus a couple I'm looking to trade in. And a couple that I'm putting together for a gift or to keep in case anyone ever comes over and wants to try. Plus cobs. Cobs don't count towards a total pipe count. Plus a pipe in the motorcycle saddlebags, 2 in my car...
  19. RookieGuy80

    ***What Are You Smoking, June 2024?***

    I have some 5 year old Sea Dog from C&D in this meerschaum I'm trying to color.
  20. RookieGuy80

    Does pipe smoking and drinking go hand and hand

    That's usually a drink of some kind within arm's reach of me. So for me, pipe smoking and having something to drink go hand in hand. But then so does driving and walking and reading and, well, everything except sleeping.