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  1. A

    Rigid Black Char Forcing Harder Tamping Pressure?

    I'll take creative writing exercises over "Why are you even thinking about this, bro?" any day of the week 😅 As for the tamping, I'm starting to think it's another case of "You want to sip at it, gently, barely" ... ~proceeds to do a best-effort impression of sucking the entire bowl through the...
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    Rigid Black Char Forcing Harder Tamping Pressure?

    Maybe I've given a wrong impression. When I'm posted up in the garden smoking a pipe, it's perfectly relaxing. Occasionally, I'll notice things and get curious about them. Then, when I'm not smoking a pipe, I get excited to think, read or chat about them. That's not anxiety. After some time...
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    Rigid Black Char Forcing Harder Tamping Pressure?

    One consistent take I've seen on tamping is "only compress the ash, only using the weight of the tamper". I've been finding that often, when my pipe refuses to take/keep a light and I think the bowl is done, I won't have a buildup of ash, as much as 20-30% void, a mottled ash cap at the top...
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    Tobacco Smoke "Taste" - Taste/flavour or Aroma?

    I I remember in highschool answering that thunder was caused by clouds crashing together. I was sure I'd read that somewhere... Not fake info, just 2400 years or so or of date.
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    Tobacco Smoke "Taste" - Taste/flavour or Aroma?

    Thanks all. This is less a question of "I'm impatient to get to the good stuff, everything tastes the same" and more checking that when I'm reading things people say, I'm interpreting them correctly. Patience and enjoyment of the journey for its own sake, I understand. "You're getting it, now...
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    Tobacco Smoke "Taste" - Taste/flavour or Aroma?

    Hi all! I've been smoking for a few weeks, and was hoping to bounce my experience off a few folks. I think I've got my packing and temperature management to a serviceable place, but I'm confused by talk of "taste"/"flavour". Mostly I've been smoking RO Fire Storm , SPC Plum Pudding, and a...