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  1. mdyer909

    Where to Go from Aromatics?

    I’m smoking Brunello flake right now and have been greatly enjoying it. Orlick Golden slices was my favorite back a few years ago. I used to like Edgeworth which I think was a burley. Cube cut. Can you think of any replacements for that?
  2. mdyer909

    Hello from Maine

    I spent about a month in the ICU at Montreal General. You folks treated me very well, but I was glad to leave!
  3. mdyer909

    Hello from Maine

    Thanks for all the welcomes!
  4. mdyer909

    Hello from Maine

    I’m way up in Aroostook County about 4 miles from the Canadian border.
  5. mdyer909

    Hello from Maine

    LOL, about a decade ago I was in an accident and broke my neck and jaw, lot of nerve damage. Made it hard to hold a pipe. I quit drinking a while back and needed a replacement vice. Not telling the doctor!
  6. mdyer909

    Hello from Maine

    Dug my old pipes out of the attic, bought some new tabacky and here I am after abstaining for many years. Smoking Three Nuns in an old Marxman. Very nice.