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60 Fresh Vauen Pipes
72 Fresh Savinelli Pipes
106 Fresh Peterson Pipes
3 Fresh Bill Shalosky Pipes
8 Fresh IMP Meerschaum Pipes

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  1. Grumio

    Royal Yacht Buzz

    Absolutely more power to anyone who likes Royal Yacht, but it has been the only tobacco in 20 years of pipe smoking that I have actively disliked. I didn't care for the flavor, and the nicotine made me woozy haha. I keep thinking I should revisit it, but the memory of it makes me feel sick!
  2. Grumio

    Zippo Fuel Lighter - Taste?

    People swear there's no taste with zippos, but I know I get a lighter fluid hit when I light up with them. It goes away after a few draws, but I know I can taste it initially.
  3. Grumio

    Breath Method

    I've always been under the impression that the breath method is just a way to regulate cadence. I've never actually inhaled any smoke into my lungs or even down my throat. My method would be like if you have a straw in your mouth and as you breath in through your nose, you lightly suck air into...
  4. Grumio

    How Often Do You Smoke a Pipe?

    Almost always once a day depending on weather. I live in North Texas, so if it's too hot and muggy outside, that's a hard pass. I usually don't get to smoke more than once every couple of weeks in deep summer.
  5. Grumio

    Thoughts on a Second Pipe

    I actually have a Shire Cobbit, and love it. I have it dedicated for citrus/peach aromatics (which I really hardly hardly ever smoke), so it doesn't get much use, but when I use it, it's great.