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  1. sasquatch

    Beat the Gurgling!! Here's how . . . . .

    I mean.... wouldn't it just be easier to learn to smoke a pipe? No offense meant, truly, but when I read about tongue bite and heat and moisture and stuff, it's just.... that's "bad" pipe smoking. You'll have a much nicer time if you learn proper technique and get to where you are smoking a...
  2. sasquatch

    Tell Me About Your Love of a Dog

    Do yourself a favor, Milk, and get a book called "How to Speak Dog" by Stanley Coren. It's not a training book, there's a million of those, it's a book about how dogs see the world, how they react to us and to each other. It will give you a huge step up in terms of interacting with your dog...
  3. sasquatch

    Differences in Interior Stem Design

    So, lot's of questions. Why don't we do "bigger is better" and make every pipe stem a McDonald's milkshake straw in diameter... answer is, you can make a lot of smoke and that's not the same thing as "smoking a pipe". Overheated tobacco tastes bad, burnt briar isn't good, if you have a huge...
  4. sasquatch

    Differences in Interior Stem Design

    Yeah but not frickin green!
  5. sasquatch

    Differences in Interior Stem Design

    Drill from the tenon end with a tapered bit, stop about 1" from the end. Drill in from the other end with maybe 1/16" and connect two holes. Then you widen the slot with tiny saws and files, smooth out the transitions. Takes some doing, which is why pipe companies, by and large, don't bother.
  6. sasquatch

    Differences in Interior Stem Design

    So I'd like to see a stem something ike this inside.
  7. sasquatch

    Differences in Interior Stem Design

    So, here's the theory on stem interiors. If we are making the perfect smoking machine, it should be designed with the idea of minimizing condensation (minimizing "gurgle"). How is this acheived? It's simple, you make the airway as smooth as possible, you avoid jagged transitions and plenum...
  8. sasquatch

    Canadian Import Advice Help - Tax was 200%!

    Nah, there's prov tax here too:
  9. sasquatch

    Looking for Pipemakers Nearby

    I'm naturally blurry.
  10. sasquatch

    Looking for Pipemakers Nearby

    I work hard for my obscurity!
  11. sasquatch

    Looking for Pipemakers Nearby

    I think Evan Wiseman was in Manitoba, he's @wisemanpipes on instagram, but I could also be totally wrong.
  12. sasquatch

    Canadian Import Advice Help - Tax was 200%!

    Doesn't sound like an error was made. There's about a million taxes on both tobacco and alcohol. You have Federal Tobacco Tax, Provincial Tobacco Tax, GST, and on a large enough order, Duty. So don't import 3 pounds at a time...
  13. sasquatch

    Italian Pipes: Just my Style?

    I think the construction is a bigger factor. You could give me the best briar on earth and I could make a pipe that's a crappy smoker by misaligning certain things, leaving other things rough, whatever. And that, by and large, is what the mid-grade Italian pipe gets right - reasonably large...
  14. sasquatch

    Italian Pipes: Just my Style?

    Oof thanks for reminding me, time to re-order my whale dung compote.
  15. sasquatch

    Briar chew toys for dogs?!

    Dogs love briar, and it's tough as hell.
  16. sasquatch

    Any Castello Comparable pipes?

    Marco makes nice pipes, for sure, good call.
  17. sasquatch

    Any Castello Comparable pipes?

    Well you actually have to TRY looking is the thing before you say you can't find something. Admittedly, prices are up a hair since I last bought a Castello out of these guys, but here's one for 278 euros, shipping will be like 30. Pipe Castello - 'Sea Rock Briar' KK Shape 44 - Tabaccheria...
  18. sasquatch

    Any Castello Comparable pipes?

    Ser Jacopos are worth looking at, but in truth, if you buy Castellos straight out of Italy, they are about 20% cheaper than the American pricing, you can get them for 2 or 300 bucks.
  19. sasquatch

    CI and PayPal: WTF?

    Getting sent to collections can be serious, it can screw you up at the airport, all kinds of things, so my letter would have been a lot nastier than yours. What a bizarre way to do business. As this leaks out, lots of customers will drop.
  20. sasquatch

    New Pipe Maker—A Ton of Questions!

    Pipes are usually dyed with alcohol-based pigments. Maple might take regular wood stain but it's not known for it, really, it's pretty light colored and pretty densely grained. For real, look at pipemakersforum, there is an answer for everything there.