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  1. georged

    What is an Estate Pipe?

    Funny how things go full circle. The term "estate pipe" was coined by a friend of mine 37 years ago. His name was Barry Levin. He developed a business cleaning up and re-selling tobacco pipes that he bought from (mostly) widows in assisted living homes and similar. Pre-Internet, the process...
  2. georged

    Carrington Event

    I always found it weird that after four thousand million years the Sun's contents haven't blended/distributed themselves evenly enough for its output to be more steady state/uniform. There is an equally intriguing possible explanation, though... For sufficiently advanced species, star creation...
  3. georged

    Some Folk Really Shouldn’t be Allowed to Write Product Reviews.

    That is terrifying. Not just technically inaccurate---there is nothing in the Universe that is unreal by definition---what it "conveys" is up to you. Meaning you can project whatever attributes, virtues, etc. that make you feel all warm and comfy inside. And the company isn't---can't...
  4. georged

    Some Folk Really Shouldn’t be Allowed to Write Product Reviews.

    It's not just product reviews... This is the sort of thing you'd expect to see on a sign at a five-year-old's lemonade stand, not the container of a multi-million-dollar product:
  5. georged

    Show Us Your Ryan Alden Pipes!

    His winning entry in the Kansas City Pipe Show's carving contest a few years ago:
  6. georged

    Beat the Gurgling!! Here's how . . . . .

    This is getting absurd. Every smoker who didn't start smoking a pipe yesterday knows the best and ONLY way to solve "gurgling" is with an oxyacetylene torch dialed to a perfect neutral flame, its tip inserted through the center of the tobacco to gently warm the bottom of the chamber to 6000...
  7. georged

    MKELAW's Online Store is Closed…

    Well, shit. One of the nicest and easiest to work with guys in the PipeWorld. Old School all the way, and in every way, in the best meaning of the term. His presence will absolutely be missed. :(:(:(:(:(
  8. georged

    Have A Nice Weekend

    It's only a matter of time. Maybe next week, maybe not for a thousand years, but when it does it will fry every integrated circuit on planet Earth that's not deep underground or in a lead bunker. Meaning cars won't run, trucks won't run, airplanes won't fly, phones won't work, and on and...
  9. georged

    Pipes and Cigars Online Store. Never Again.

    I've never ordered anything from P&C, so have nothing to add except a meaningless word salad to help keep the thread going.
  10. georged

    The Third Swan Neck of the "Drifted Shank" Set of Three (an Apple this time)

    There actually is a solution, but it isn't practical for most smokers. Meaning it isn't a tool that could be kept in the corner of a drawer and reached for as needed. But since "carbon clogging" takes a good while to build up to where it's a problem, sending a handful of Drifters every few...
  11. georged

    The Third Swan Neck of the "Drifted Shank" Set of Three (an Apple this time)

    I put "drifted shank" into Goggle's soych enjin for fun, and it came back with a fistfull of diamonds. Longtime PipeWorld citizen, respected high-end carver, and overall megabrain Jack Howell wrote a meaty blog article on curved shank engineering a few years ago...
  12. georged

    The Third Swan Neck of the "Drifted Shank" Set of Three (an Apple this time)

    The gentleman who collects these curved shank rarities told me that the term used back in The Day was "drifted shank". Meaning the shank looked like it had shifted or "drifted" away from the bowl. Was offset. Makes perfect sense to me. :) This one is stamped Barclay-Rex, same as #2, this...
  13. georged

    Tornado Close-up Footage

    The only reason the cars survived is because they weren't hit. An EF-3 will do this to them when they are, and the remains are usually found some distance from where they were struck: As for the building not being up to code / should have been built better, etc., it's simply a money vs...
  14. georged

    Tornado Close-up Footage

    Watch this EF-3 rated (appx 150mph wind speed) storm say hello to a building, then try to imagine what the strongest tornado ever recorded (300+ mph wind speed) was like... keeping in mind that aerodynamic drag increases as a square of velocity. Put another way, it was four times this...
  15. georged

    Past Episodes Discussion Thread

    Quinton was the president of the KC club for many years. At its peak the club had 130 paid members. He's also a seasoned carver, expert cigar roller, and was the organizer, and director of the KC show for its entire 20-year run. The 7-day set contest was held every year for ten years...
  16. georged

    Differences in Interior Stem Design

    Everything Sas said. Smoother is better, the fewer sharp zig-zags the better (unless designed for deliberate condensation & entrapment, Pete System style), and smoke stream compression via venturi actually works, but is doesn't cause much improvement with standard-size pipes. I'm sure of the...
  17. georged

    Still More Swan Neck Action --- New Stem for Barclay-Rex "LC" (a biggie)

    The stummel hasn't been cleaned up yet (makes more sense to do it after all the shop handling that stem-making requires), but I wanted to get the pix posted so the owner could see 'em before the weekend. This one's a full-size curved airway LC... as large as any Dunhill ever made. 2" deep...
  18. georged

    Comoys - Transplant a C drilled Stem Logo

    Comoy's had access to---or maybe had made for them---"bullseye" rod, meaning white with a black center. With that, making the 3-part C was no more difficult than any other two dot trademark. After the bullseye was in place the black dot needed to "open" the C wasn't precision sensitive. Close...
  19. georged

    Comoys - Transplant a C drilled Stem Logo

    It's a mistake to assume the word "simple" means easy to execute with precision. A heart transplant is simple---cut one out, stuff another one in after sewing its tubey things to their matching tubey things, and whip stitch the body back together... right? When it comes to the Comoy's 3-piece...
  20. georged

    Quality - Workmanship and Disregard

    Every consumer product falls somewhere on a bell curve quality-wise. Humans behaving like humans means that paying more doesn't guarantee the Thing you buy will be good, but paying less almost guarantees it will be bad. The only way to "beat" the game (so to speak) is by gaining sufficient...