Aging/cellaring Dunhill 965

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Feb 8, 2010
Hey everyone, just tried Dunhill 965, wow, that is a great after-dinner tobacco. I smoked it in a beautyfull Savinelli, with a 9mm filter, so the Nicoine didn't kill me. But the internet is aswarm with stories/news/rumors about the discontinuation of both Dunhill 965 and Early Morning Pipe, even though they are still widely available in Danish tobacconists. Consequently I am considering taking a tour of tobacconists in Copenhagen and buying as much 965 as I can get my hands on (for myself, not to sell). An here we get to the question, how will Dunhill 965 age? I know Virginia blends are the best tobaccoes for ageing, but how about a classic English blend?



Staff member
Apr 8, 2009
OK, well this is a two part answer.
1) Dunhill pipe tobacco blends are not discontinued (I don't think). They are just not possible to get in the US because at the moment, Dunhill does not have a US distributor.
2) Blends that contain Latakia will age OK. The problem is that when you open the container, you have to smoke through it fairly quickly because the Latakia will go flat after awhile. So if you're going to store some away for aging, use small jars.



Feb 8, 2010
Hi Bob, thanks for the swift reply. I'll try to ask the local Danish tobacconists if it is just a US problem. I guess I'll buy some for aging anyway, and I'll just buy the 50g tins, and store it as is.



Staff member
Apr 8, 2009
I didn't know that they were not available in the UK either. I thought it was just a US thing. Maybe they are discontinued.
I will have to try and check it out and see what is going on, but real information on that particular subject is hard to find. It seems that most of it is rumors from pipe smokers and no substantial information from the manufacturer.



Part of the Furniture Now
Oct 7, 2009
As Bob said, latakia does not age well. It looses it leathery, woodsy taste. Your decision to store it in the tin is a good one. I wouldn't even think of jaring it. though.



Feb 8, 2010
Well, a heads-up here from little Denmark. I went to one of the premier tobacconists here in Copenhagen and asked about the Dunhill tobacco availability. He told me that they still regularly carried the Dunhill Mixture 965 and Early Morning Pipe, but no other Dunhill blends. He was also quite sure that these blends were now manufactured in Denmark! I guess maybe Orlik tobacco has some part in this? But it should be available for the foreseeable future (in Denmark at least). If it really is still manufactured, it seems, from a business point of view, completely stupid not making it available on the English and American markets at least. Just watch those crazy Ebay bids!! So I'll just feel lucky and safe so far, and begin to stock up. It really is a bit strange that I fell for this tobacco, I am a fairly new pipe smoker and have mainly smoked aromatics, and some stoved virginias. But the 965 just blew me away!!

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