Iwan Ries to Discontinue Some Blends

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Sep 1, 2021
Eastern panhandle, WV
I would like to thank ELW Green for mentioning that Iwan Ries was going to discontinue their Ko Ko Blend. I hate it when a tobacco company discontinues a blend and doesn't give you the opportunity to stock up on a possible favorite. I had a bowl of KoKo this morning and hadn't planned to get anymore, but I wondered if there were other blends that might be discontinued. I wanted the opportunity to restock if one of my blends were on the chopping block. I called Iwan Ries this morning and sure enough KoKo and Affinity are to be discontinued and possibly others. Luckily my favorites Dr. Bradley and Three Star Green were safe with Old Colonial somewhat safe. I wanted to give forum members an opportunity to get their blends before they go. Hopefully your favorites are not to be discontinued.