Notice in First Pipe Lover’s Magazine 1946

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Briar Lee

Sep 4, 2021
Humansville Missouri
The United Staes Department of Commerce in Washington has announced that a large assortment of pipes and tobacco pouches will be included in the huge accumulation of surplus war goods which will soon be offered for sale.

The total value of these surplus goods is estimated at ahout $300,000,000 and the pipes and pouchés will be offered to dealers and jobbers on a new fixed price basis.

It is reported that among these pipes are many well known makes, but the price to the consumer will be the regular retail price, since OPA will govern all sales and prices.


The inflation calculator puts 300 million at about 4.7 billion today.

Another way to express 300 million 1946 dollars is that would have built three new 100 million dollar Iowa class battleships, or 6,000 Sherman tanks, or 1,200 B-17 bombers. It was a lot of money.

Was that just surplus pipes and pouches?