Sutliff Italian blend.

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This won't take long.

Allowed myself to be talked into two ounces of this stuff when they didn't have the Petersons University Flake I'd gone in for.

Never again.
Struggled to get it lit for a start. It fizzed and spat and the charring light produced a musty odour. When it eventually started to burn - in a recalcitrant mildewed sort of way - the odour was like joss sticks or sweepings from a hairdresser's floor. If this is the smell of Italy I don't think I'll bother going.

Fortunately I had the good sense to buy a couple of ounces of Coniston cut plug at the same time and this splendid blend has gone a long way to restoring my smoker's taste buds. And when I got home a consignment of five tins of Solani Aged Burley Flake had arrived so the evening may yet prove tolerable.

So, two ounces (minus one bowl) of Sutliff Italian Blend free to a good home (or a bad one..). If no takers I believe it will stay in the jar till it's mummified.
I only hope my poor Savinelli Miele recovers from this assault. I'm debating taking it to the dry cleaners before risking smoking it again.

The end.
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